Sunday, August 30, 2015

Affirmational Incantation: First Door

As the last vision rests perfectly and easily within me like that fire which cleanses yet does not burn, my feelings turn toward the first door filled with light in this new life. I am awestruck standing before this bright and shining door now taking a moment to reflect with gratitude upon such a miraculous opportunity bestowed by this life that is after all a gift from God. I center myself before moving toward this door. The feeling is of being in the presence of something possessing genuine Holiness: feelings of reverence and awe. In order to get to this door, I had to delve into the darkest recesses of self and open the blackest doors I found full of horrific pain. I have paid the price in darkness many times over for this light. I know now that each door hereafter will open from light to light to more light still. I dare to imagine what in this physical place wherein my spirit resides, has yet been unimaginable: love and joy and peace fearlessly and freely shining like the sun on this perfect summer's day. Opening the door merely a sliver releases white light so powerful that it is blinding and takes my breath away for a moment. It is whiter than white and brighter than bright. No, Friends, no - it is not TIDE. Don't be silly. It is love.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Beauty and the Beast, poem by David Sky

The Beast -
The Beast, always the Lonely One, The Sad One
Waiting for someone or anyone or no one at all to stop
 And say, “Hello In There!”
Waiting to be utterly and truly startled by recognition
Imagining what that would be like but also afraid, very afraid,
For The Beast who is so Fearsome to The Others is … is …
As terrified in his Mighty Heart as any tiny, helpless bird
He is, after all, only a left brain thing, only words, thoughts, language -
The One Who Hears and Speaks and Writes
Yet who has never seen one single, solitary, Vision in his whole life

The Beauty -
She who is as pristine as morning dew on a rose
She of perfect measure, perfect balance, perfect porcelain skin
Whose movements flow like some thoughtless, happy waters
Her long, artistic fingers fluttering effortlessly over the Beast
Over the still surface of the seas, over the mountains, the sky
And when she turns around to look at him with those eyes
She does not look into his eyes but deeply into his soul
For Beauty sees everything resplendent within each thing!
After all, she is only a right brain thing, only feelings, perceptions,
The One Who Puts Her Arms Gracefully Around Everything
Who has never felt the sword like penetration of a hard, cold thought

The Beauty & The Beast -
Made for each other, well, yes, sure, exactly, right on, obviously -
Already perfectly aligned within one energy body in “that greater reality”
Where the Beauty and the Beast already reside as husband and wife
Physical union speeding at the fantastical speeds of some astral train
Soon to impact cosmically like two planets fusing one into another
In full blown manifestation here and now upon this dense earthly plane