Monday, August 29, 2022

Mars Transit to 7th House of Gemini in Mundane Chart of USA

Astrology by David Sky
So using the Sibly chart not to get all into that but this is the most accepted chart and my thought after all is said and done, since July 4th is such a national holiday in America and has been for so long now, I feel like this is where the energy is concentrated.
The coming Mars retrograde especially, but the whole 7th month long Mars transit to Gemini in the 7th house of the USA feels in my bones like the core of the overarching energy of the USA's Pluto Return. What I am looking for in the Pluto Return is both some insight into how so it may play out in our reality as well as trigger points and this Mars through the 7th retrograding just before the mid term elections seems of great, perhaps not hyperbolic to say, even grave import.
While there are many trigger points during this multi year Pluto Return for the USA, given the martial nature of the US since its inception and its present insistence upon aggression virtually worldwide now, I feel we must consider with this transit outside influences having an impact upon the Pluto Return that I see primarily as an internal affair. Pluto in the 2nd is said to indicate finances of the country and certainly that is at play but most of all in a late degree of Capricorn representing the Government, Pluto has been doing its thing of shadow work in this government sign since 2008, going into the hidden, secret and dark places leading up to what most would consider is set to be at least some kind of fundamental transformation.
The 2nd house to me is also fixed earth, an earth house, the ground, so it feels to me that the impact could be more than a transformation in the financial sector. The Square of Saturn to Uranus is huge in this Pluto Return also forming a last hurrah near the time that Mars Retrogrades. Uranus is in the 6th house so two earth houses in this square and squares are always pressure, Saturn to Uranus a tension and pressure between the government and the people in the broadest sense, I think most could agree. I see things unapologetically through the lens of a so called Conspiracy Theorist which I well imagine is how Pluto may be seeing things, come down to it, having been rooting around in those classified basements for almost fifteen years now.
Mars is of course Martial especially in a mundane chart of a country and since the 7th house here is the house of foreign countries and open enemies, it certainly feels like Mars is a potential threat. In this transit just considering two conjunctions, there seems to be a clear martial aspect. First, Mars hits Uranus and anyone who has had significant Uranus to Mars transits especially or Uranus to Mars in synastry knows that this is a powerful combination given to volatile, erratic and rash energies with a strong dose of Who-Knows-What. I have to go back through the timeline and look at everything else during these long seven months because obviously there is a lot going on. Mercury soon will be retrograding over the Midheaven here another government pressure point and surely something will come up and likely around whatever Pluto has dug up from the basement.
Mars Return in the midst of this Mars Retrograde and in the 7th house and much like Uranus points very much to martial energy but with Uranus seems like well could be an outside force acting upon the US perhaps in some unexpected way (screams cyber attack) this Mars Return feels internal to me and my clairaudience, just to be honest here, said when I first laid eyes on it, "Internal Conflict" that I interpretated first as civil war possibly but then thinking about it, perhaps this Mars Return represents a point when the US military stands in some martial fashion at odds somehow with the civilian leadership of the government and given present circumstances worldwide, perhaps in regards to aggression to or from a foreign power.
My disadvantage now is that for reasons of successfully negotiating my own once in a lifetime Pluto transit, I have divorced myself from the information flow of current events. Just include my notes here hoping someone else can contribute and develop this further and I will be going back to this as my energy, much maligned now, allows.
No photo description available.

Pluto Transit Opposite Natal Moon: "Unbreakable"

Childhood "Issues" primarily of abandonment, proximity abandonment and physical and emotional neglect along with just being exposed to a highly toxic environment throughout childhood. I thought going into this, naively, "How bad can it be, my whole life has been a Pluto transit to the Moon, metaphorically speaking - this is my bailiwick. I got this". I had some sense that it would be about breaking the family curses, maybe like some advanced degree in breaking family curses.
I think that I mostly had it right only there is always that gulf between theory, no matter how good the theory may be, and reality. So here I am. Transits always stimulate what we have made over time of our natal energies, I remind myself. Pluto on the AC squaring Mercury and Mars for me and the likelihood that I would break someone's face again is extraordinarily low and has been for quite some time because I worked on that energy. But, alas, I am not Mother Theresa here. I just wiped three family members from my life and feel about a million percent better for it. No need to confront them, just a need to find peace within myself which is the core lesson of this transit, I am finding - a powerful and real self acceptance and peaceful core that will be if I survive it, unbreakable.
It comes at a cost and going back to the core of the Pluto energy that this transit addresses energetically, Pluto on the IC is ruthless self preservation: The Survivor.
Not much for bubble gum, rainbows and light astrology and am becoming comfortable with that as well. A lot of what is passing for New Age wisdom is old ass mental illness and projection of unresolved trauma from childhood abuse, the epidemic of epidemics. I do not wish to be a part of anything that is not genuine bone to soul. Sometimes Pluto portends death, horrible death possibly. This is part of life, unfortunately. I have seen it too many times. Astrology is just life, all of life, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Spiritual in the Carnal World

Orgasm's as spiritual as prayer,
a smile as brilliant as the sun,
a simple gift from the heart,
as exalted as any church litany -
spiritual is right here and now
permeating this carnal world:
One thing does not have to die
so that another thing may live!

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Pluto as the Key Evolutionary Astrology: Tool My Mother's Death Seen In My Chart

So looking at Pluto for myself since I am experiencing a Pluto opposition to natal moon this year its most intensive hits and thought to look at when it had hit my 4th house cusp. To illustrate for those who might be beginners, an easy way is to use the Cafe Astrology Ephemeris that is very user friendly, I think. To get in the ballpark if you do not have more advanced software, say using Astro, simply google when did Pluto enter whatever sign you are dealing with and estimate and then use the ephemeris to nail exact aspects. This little exercise alone gives us a great sense of how slow Pluto really is and perhaps this also helps us to get a real big picture overview of soul's purpose always keeping in mind that our natal chart is no accident but a starmap of our Soul's reason/s for incarnation.
Depending of course with Pluto where it is in natal and your age now, in terms of Evolutionary Astrology, almost a first step after examining the ramifications of that natal position is to then look first at all of the significant transits that Pluto has made during our life first by conjunction to angles then personal planets and Sun and Moon, of course.
Pluto is kind of the Sun of our Soul in Evolutionary Astrology in a way so if it does not make a conjunction, then it will make significant major aspect to those angles, luminaries and planets and interpretations can be had via google or youtube that can aid in intuiting what we are seeing. It is not so daunting as it may seem and you can spend as much time or as little as you want in this exercise that in guaranteed to reap great reward in personal insight into our soul's processes, I feel.
I had some general sense that Pluto had hit my IC around the time that my mother had passed in 1997 but was a bit surprised that at the exact time of her passing Pluto was 2 degrees past the IC and exactly within only minutes of orb on my Sagittarius Mercury that is in my 4th house and a two degree orb conjunct the IC and forming a 1 degree orb square to both Pluto in natal and my AC as Pluto is in the 12th for me only minutes off my AC.
Of course, much else to consider but it is all there in whatever transit chart of significance that we may be looking at - pay close attention to the other outer planets especially any aspect to natal or transit Pluto in this exercise and especially consider the house ramifications of it all. But the fact that my mother's death is dead on my chart ruler such as it is at the very time is among many things a real comformation of the power and significance of astrology in our lives.
Evolutionary Astrology lends itself well to more generalized observations that can yield profound insights relying as it does upon archetypes, using wide orbs with an emphasis upon house and sign placements. From this we can drill down endlessly into more and more detail bringing in the personal planets and their kinetic relationship to say Pluto transit to natal moon that can go on for years.

Looking Back at Pluto Transit to my Natal Sun


Monday, August 15, 2022

Bad Angel Life Coachie Advice: "When It Is Not the Midas Touch"

If everything you touch seems to turn to shit, stop touching shit.
Back up and punt and give the defense a chance to change the energy of the game back into your favor. In your transit and predictive charts, you will see the energy when things shifts back to a time more auspicious for the offense to take back the ball and run with it.
Astrology can help us perhaps most of all sync up energetically with our life's flow.

To My Own Dear Heart - "The Last Rabbit Hole

Be light, my heart, and forgive me if I deliver you yet another challenge but I see that you are indomitable - you need to be as light as a feather now and I will help, as always, ever so much as I can, by transforming this bruising, black bull that broke us free of The Last Rabbit hole into now a happy, little bird.
Thank You, Heart

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Astrology is a Map, Life the Ground

The map is not the ground. Having a map is in no sense deterministic because we decide at every turn which way to go. Free will is everything and the answer to why we are living is in large part exactly so that we may choose the way, I feel.

Think of it like this that we are on a road trip happily starting our vacation with the car packed for fun. One thing that comes to mind is just the general approach to the trip, is it a type A trip barreling down on Yellowstone with blinders on only stopping at drive through restaurants and highway rest stations for relief, or, are we planning to stop and smell the roses along the way – or, are we just winging it altogether?
I will go modern so we are looking at our MAPS app here and it can tell us not only what is the most direct route by distance but by time as well considering nowadays everything from traffic patterns to road construction to spontaneous road hazards and delays and even the weather can be considered here. This is very much the analogy of how so astrology can be helpful in the most literal sense. There are predictive techniques, mainly transits to natal and progressed charts. We can even look at why we are taking this trip, a bonus feature of astrology not properly addressed in the analogy because modern, western astrology particularly, is geared to deep psychology and we can even bring in Evolutionary astrology to consider past life energies and our soul´s purpose. Astrology has no beginning or end, just like our soul, it was never born and never dies and can take our breath away when it hits us just how great is the expanse of it´s potential.
The map that is astrology can help us decide where it is we want to go, where it is perhaps most auspicious for us and where and when we may encounter bumps along the road and how and when to best negotiate the inevitable travails of long distance travel. Whether we are at that point where we understand that we are never lost because we are always right here and now, or, even if we are completely lost, a map is a handy tool to have in our toolbox.

Friday, August 5, 2022

The Acorn Boat (June 2008 NDE)

It is the 15th night in ICU where I am apparently dying from some unknown auto-immune attack that has eluded every test they can think to run. My wife then by my side the whole time sleeping in a chair with her head resting next to me a pillow upon the hard, metal railing of the bed, night after night. I am stiff as a board, sweating buckets with two IV's now running full out and experiencing constant muscles spasms throughout my entire body and my vision is doubled as the muscles in my eyes have spasmed as well and unbeknownst to me at the time, I suffer from aphasia but the nurses and my wife have decided to keep this from me by pretending to understand me. I speak seemingly coherently in my own mind, but they here only unintelligible babbling and they feel that if I were to know this that it might effect me negatively and feel that I need every chance I can get.
"I think you would want to know, so I am telling you," My wife says, "the neurologist feels that you will not make it through the night. The attack continues and they just don't know what to do, David."
I tell her that I know she is not a believer but please understand there is no death, that is merely like walking from one room into another room. I go on to reassure here that we're in a pretty good place with a home that is paid for, two cars paid for and some money in the bank and that she will be okay and I will be with her to please trust in this and know that everything is okay and that I, of course, I have no fear of death. I am shocked when she smiles and shakes her head affirmatively smiling, and I am thinking OMG it's like a miracle and I feel so grateful that she who is so cynical about these things has turned this corner and I loose consciousness feeling this gratitude and, I guess, just prepared to die. I had been encouraged many times to "Fight" but have no fight in me and the whole time have just said "do what you will, Lord, I really don't care one way or another. It is a blessing that am not really in any physical pain, It is feeling that I do not have a body at all and am only some disembodied entity occupying this space in a bed in ICU in Lubbock, Texas, of all places.
I think before I fall asleep that I guess I am a Buddhist at heart, after all.
In this death dream on the fourteenth night in an ICU unite suffering from a sudden onset, catastrophic auto-immune attack, I can say that in some real measure “I” faced death. It was a kind of lucid dream in that I knew not only that I was dreaming but I knew that this was THE “death dream”. I knew, in the dream, that I was knocking on heavens door, as it were. No fear. That proverbial peace. I had been told only a few hours earlier before going to sleep that my prospects for surviving this night were not in my favor; that this auto-immune attack still continued and they knew not why or what it is even.
In the dream I am alone in an acorn boat – half an acorn, to be exact. Floating in the vast ocean bobbing up and down aimlessly at the mercy of this vast ocean and feeling at ease with this knowing that eventually I would wash up on a shore somewhere. In the dream, I kick back in the acorn boat that curves just so that I find it rather a comfortable place to relax. (In reality my body is stiff as a board muscle spasms are constant and I am pouring sweat as my own immune system attempts with great if misplaced good intentions to chew its way through my spinal cord at the brain stem) The acorn boat bobs up and down through days and nights as I watch peacefully the stars come up over head then the dawn and the hot noon day sun as one night passes into day and another day passes into night seemingly on and on …
I think very clearly laying back relaxing in my tiny acorn boat, hands behind my head, “I am not going to fight, Lord. If that's what I'm suppose to do, I don't know? But you decide. That's how I see this. I'm good with what you want here.”
I wake curtains open in ICU I can move my head a little was completely paralyzed from head to toe and the shaking has stopped and the sweating and I know that the attack is over. I see across the hall into two other rooms where ICU nurses work like angelic soldiers here and I think how someone else didn't make it through the night but I did. It is a strange and disorienting feeling. I know it was none of my own doing in it. I knew that this is merely the shore upon which I had washed up on. I can't say that I was not relieved and thankful to be alive, don't get me wrong. I thought clearly of the death dream and that little acorn boat and couldn't help but smile.
The Neurologist pops in laughing out loud when he sees me and I am touched by what seems like such genuine concern, "OMG David you are alive got to tell it you it was nip and tuck there for a minute, Bud, congratulations - the nurses got together when we realized the attack had stopped and made you wife go get a hotel room after 15 nights in ICU, she is beyond exhausted and we promised her that we'd take good care of you.
I said, Thank you, crying now.
The neurologist laughs again, "even the aphasia is gone this is great, David.
I say, what?
For the last week almost, as you deteriorated, you have had severe aphasia and your words were merely unintelligible babbling but we felt it best to keep it from you not wanting your spirits to drop in what was obviously a fight for your life -
That word again, "Fight" and I don't say anything but I think, "There was no fighting only acceptance".

Thursday, August 4, 2022

That Fool on the Hill - short fiction

This man lives on the hill looking down upon the rest of the neighborhood. It is a fairly good neighborhood by any reasonable measure and most of the people simply want to go about their busy lives in peace with their family and friends. Sure, there are a few bad apples. The man on the hill held them all in suspect choosing not to mingle keeping to himself except to shake his fist at passersby for various and mostly incomprehensible reasons, so far as his neighbors could tell.

Even though crime was historically rare in this neighborhood, this man spent a great deal of money to encircle his home on the hill with a sturdy, 12 ft high metal fence. His neighbors wondered why but dismissed him as a curmudgeon and mostly ignored it as an eccentricity. Soon enough, the man added barb wire to the top of the fence. The people of the neighborhood really thought that was a bit much but when he later added to this electrification, they said, Ok, this man is clearly deranged. Some began to refer to him with derision as, That Fool on the Hill.
From behind his sturdy metal, barb wired top and electrified security fence, the man still shook his fist at pedestrians passing anywhere near his home and acted as if all the world were his enemy. No one knew why he was this way and over time most everyone began to think of him as just that fool on the hill. But then, out of some inscrutable paranoia, the man began to accumulate weapons and ammunition as well. Instead of shaking his fist now, he brandished a weapon. He bought more exotic weapons as time when seeming to feel that if one is good, then ten is better to spite the fact that the neighborhood seldom knew any violent crime.
Complaints to the police went no where since they said that the man had broken no laws so there was nothing they could do about it. Over a period of a year or more, the man accumulated enough weapons and ammunition to equip a small army. No one knew this man´s business since he was a notorious loner but in all this time, he had failed to pay his mortgage on the home or to make regular payments upon the many credit cards used to buy all these weapons and the credit used to build the ridiculous fence. He seemed so focused upon his fear of assault that nothing else mattered and even the house began to noticeably suffer from its lack of upkeep and the man himself, his neighbors would note, looked more and more disheveled and distressed as the time passed.
One day, a noticed appeared on the gate of the fence since no one could possibly get to the door and those passing could see that it was an eviction notice. Good riddance, was the thought on the mind of most, we will be rid of this fool on the hill finally. And so it happened that in the early hours of the morning as the neighborhood slept that the sheriff's department served the man´s eviction notice using its swat team due to concerns that there may be violence. As soon as the main gate was breached klaxon alarms wailed and flood lights ignited the dark waking all those anywhere nearby. This was followed quickly by an assault upon the home and this man fought back with his weapons but succumbed quickly to an overwhelming force. By this time, most neighbors were looking out their windows at the fireworks, or even standing on their porch rubbernecking for they had not seen such a show as this before. They watched the fool on the hill be led away in handcuffs his security not so much having failed him as his priorities.
One of the neighbors asked an officer what is this man´s name, none of us even know? His name, the officer said, is The United States of America.