Thursday, December 28, 2017

Surrendering to the Mystery

Poems become incantations, incantations become intentions, intentions become prayers. I pray in the name of love for the strength to surrender fully to The Mystery, fully meaning fearlessly, fully meaning faithfully. I pray for the wisdom to discern that precise spiritual pivot that is the perfect fulcrum point of self wherein I can leverage my own personal power gracefully and seamlessly, strong as a ballerina in balanced poise. May acquiescence rest easy upon my shoulders like some cherished shawl made with the loving patience of ancestral maidens. May my sword remain sheathed upon its quiet side blessed by the stalwart will of ancestral warriors. May grace guide my hand and the wisdom of God light my way such that the darkest night is no less illuminated than is the brightest day. May each exhalation release disease and each inhalation invite peace now and forevermore.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

My Own Dear Heart

Now under this full moon fitfully ensconced in the cold metal of the machine 
My beard grows wild, my eyes glow in the blue moonlight and my lips quiver
(No one knows or cares to know if a tree falls in the forest makes any sound!)
A spooked flock of snow geese rise up suddenly as one like some giant banshee
The hard edges of the machine hurt my eyes and I turn away in shame and pain
The sound of the machine like the tearing of gigantic sheets of metal hurts my ears
The sick, oily, acidic stench of the machine burns the delicate lining of my nostrils
My skin crawls this human flesh palpably vulnerable to the assaults of the machine
My heart silently sends up its songs into the multitude of pale stars in the night sky
My own dear heart it will never acquiesce no matter the power of the machine

The Garment

First save myself
escape, ripping away
the façade violently
stepping on through
arisen from a culture-prison
as if arisen from a 30 year coma
seeing and seeing again
sight transforming into vision -
ah - the garment is seamless!
now I see the truth of it!
Touched - it glitters


sometimes I am
the flowing waters
cascading over stones
sometimes I am
the stones cascading
waters flowing over me


I prefer esoteric goals, psychological complexes,
Improbability and pastels, foggy mystical forests,
A heavy veneer of fresh snow
covering every single thing in sight …
I love Joyce Carol Oates for her emotional depth
Weaving generations of history into a personality
Love those minimalist Zen paintings drawn
In a few simple strokes from a quill pen
Dipped into the bloody heart of all things …

You may see me shooting my frail arrows
At the stern walls of heaven up in the sky
Or straight into the furnace of the sun -
The Thing I have now become
Yearns to see the Face of God
And simply refuses to wait …

Missives to My Heart

I command you now in the name of love: 
Open my heart - open sesame - open the doors, the windows - open the buds, the spores, the seeds - open my heart, open now - open the gates, the locks, the fences - open up to the arms of the people, the hospitals, the libraries, the places of comfort and sustenance, restaurants and bars and hostels  - open up my own dear heart,  open up now even though every last fiber of your muscular being so long pummeled screams out, 
The Thing we have become is open, not closed, inclusive not exclusive, accepting not rejecting, faithful not fearful - so It can be no other way, with us, my Heart. You are the heart of a Centaur. We do not do bitter, cynical, forlorn - we do not go backwards, we go onward. We do not give up because we are together an indomitable force -  you know this, my Heart. 

Prose Poem, Wishes for the Divine Masculine

12/21/2012 – A Wish for The Fathers
Awaken Fathers no matter how bent and broken be your branches no matter how dry and brittle be your leaf so you do not miss these first drops of miraculous rain come to revive the forsaken fathers of this earth. A long and terrible waste has set the Fathers Against our Mothers, Mothers against our Fathers, so this One-Thing that we are has been set asunder as if there is a one to set against an other. Let the rains now wash away the long war of delusion upon us all bringing the truth itself finally as a verdant Renaissance as perfect as light passing through light.

Jupiter in Scorpio

Open, open all of it, open everything, 
Heart, mind, body and soul, open
Open the doors and open the windows
This I ask of the self that may yet cower

Tear off the roof for open illumination
Open every last, dark corner of the house
To the bright, friendly auspices of the sun
Open so the darkness is visible in the light

Wherever You Are, You Are the Moon

The Sun Loves the Moon, the Moon the Sun
(From love poems to no one but her)

The moon, her phases, her ever changing face,
Full on she beams her blue white smile down
Waxing she winks coyly as if her slivered face
Is peeking out from behind a bathroom door -
I know the moon is you and you are the moon
Because I know that I am the sun and the sun is I
Useless things to most, I hold dear to my heart,
Esoteric and ephemeral things, faint as moonlight
Illuminating the petals on the flowers in a garden,
Wisps of breath rising up from your lips faint
And precious as loss dissipating on the cold air.
I love you, I do,  always have and always will

Sunday, December 10, 2017

A Cancer Moon

It's internal as if experiencing the world through my heart. Feelings like sonar pinging out into the world that is recognized when the ping returns and hits the heart with its signal. It's almost as if the world itself does not exist on the outside only this heart representation of the world exists on the inside. When my heart is breaking, the world itself is breaking. When my heart is broken like it is right now, the world is broken. The world is a shattered thing, a tumble of sharp, cold, hard shards of shattered glass glistening wetly in the soft, internal warmth of my heart place. With Cancer in the moon position, at least for me, it doesn't come with that protective shell, it's just the mush inside the crab shell.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Ralph and The Singularity

A Short-Short Story by David Sky

Ralph watches on his tube news on this Singularity Bill that had passed the house and senate and be...en signed into law by President Nelson pondering it a bit seeing below a link to a site that can send to you your own download kit free of charge. Do it right through your home network. Easy Peasy. Every American, the news is saying, now has the civil right of electing to live forever by storing their consciousness in one of the new three dimensional AI's.

Ralph recalls in graduate school studying America's war with the little nation of, Vietnam. In the midst of a heated firefight between two forces of light infantry, a full Captain out for his one mission during his six month deployment necessary to qualify him for an combat badge found himself caught in the field during what was supposed to be a “walk in the park” mission.

He yells at a private sitting next to him over the din, “Here, take this grenade and go throw it in that machine gun nest!”

The private peaks out from behind their cover only to draw .50 caliber rounds his way that explode into the stone fence they are behind sending out metal and rock shrapnel . He says over his shoulder not even looking at the Captain, shaking his head, “that's just not gonna happen, sir”. The private most definitely means it.

That just seemed so crazy and showed such great spirit and awareness to Ralph that he for the first time looked back on his ancestors as something other than dangerous fools. But that is how he felt now about their Singularity Legislation- “that 's just not gonna happen, thank you very much”.
I'd rather be dead with a soul than alive without a soul, he declares aloud to no one.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Prose Poem, Inconsolable

It is easier to be brave in the daylight, easier to keep that faith in God, light and love. At night though ... when that curtain of darkness descends upon this earth settling in around my shoulders finally like a black shoal, there are not enough lights in all the cities of the world, you know? There are not enough pretty colored bobbles; not enough noise; not enough music; not enough booze. There is not enough outside by any measure to fill the loss of You I feel inside when the sun descends into the horizon and takes its light to the other side of this world. This is what had inspired me long ago to make a friend of the night and She surely is a true and faithful friend who does her best to console me. She loves me even as I love myself, the night, always warm in Her wishes for me and kind in her intentions. But she is not You and no matter if in some small measure my mind may be consoled by Lady Night, my body cannot understand and so remains when without You, my Love, inconsolable in the darkness.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Go Soul or God Home (Esoteric Essay)

You're running for your life – never mind why just play along – and you come to a crossroads and you don't know which way to go and your life may depend upon it and then you see in a house to the right at the doorway a wind chime just like the one your sister has in Seattle so you decide to turn right instead of left at this crossroads because you feel that The Universe is “telling” you to turn right because you always liked that wind chime … and this is the level of faith you have that The Universe is interacting with you constantly showing you the way in this world – yes? Who's with me?
Synchronicity is the traffic signal of The Universe. Depending upon context, a synchronicity can be red for Stop, green for Go or yellow for Caution. A dream becomes a meeting with The Universe to discuss life circumstances and to formulate some long term life strategy via highly creative and emotionally and spiritually based visualizations that when recalled and “translated” into left brain logic via the magic of words can center us as a soul here back onto the path of our highest good. Relationships of any kind are charged with profound significance and through the others we connect with in this world, The Universe showers us with meaning, love, art, humor, wisdom as well as direction and concern even support for our soul's well being and our soul's work here in this world. It seems this is an important point that The Universe supports our souls here not our ego. The closer we move from ego to soul, the clearer the street signs from The Universe become. At some best, one moves so close to their soul in this life that it could be said that they are “following their soul's path”.
So more mundanely, I look at my lost luggage that constituted my only possessions in life save a few items in my carry on luggage, at 48 pounds when checked at the airport, as a clear sign from The Universe to let go of “the baggage” in my life. By this I mean my own negative thoughts, fears based upon old paradigms, this kind of thing. But The Universe like any good artists speaks in the language of symbolism and losing ones life in the form of literally baggage hardly needs any translation, as it were. I think sometimes when we are NOT getting THE MESSAGE as was the case with me here, The Universe steps in eventually with a Karmic adjustment of its own.
I have a theory completely unfounded, of course, that The Universe always knocks three times. The first knock is a tap, easily missed.
Maybe a friend says, “hey you need to let go of that past BS, man” and you get it sure, that's true enough, I really should let go of all the past BS.
Then your father dies and again it hits you harder that this life really does have an expiration date and it's way past time to let go of the past and live for now. If that still fails to really sink in, The Universe knocks a third time and the third time is a lot harder because The Universe is singularly consumed with the edification of our soul and never gives up on us. Long after everyone else has given up on us, after we have given up on ourselves, The Universe is diligently and purposefully supporting our every moment.
The third knock out of loving concern, The Universe, never faint of heart, may burn down our home not long after our father has died, maybe we happen to lose your job at the same time, so everything we own is gone, our livelihood now is in jeopardy, our own dear father is gone all just so our soul may finally understand that we can stand in naked apprehension of life - remorselessly, fearlessly, passionately blossoming just like the Expansive Flower that we are.
Everything is perfectly out of control.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Rocketship

The Rocketship lies upon it's quiet side in the still dusk
The intricacies of its shape subdued by the gathering dark 
It's crash landing upon this new planet has gone unseen
Excess heat from reentry into the atmosphere steams off
Like so many wispy ghosts hissing softly up into the air 

No one cries out. No one bleeds. No one stares in wonder.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Into Light

Poem by David Sky

Bent forward 90 degrees
Head down, steadfast,
Turning into the storm
Like the turn of the leaves
To the oncoming winds

Heart, the flagship, as always
Fearlessly leading the way
Trusting the heart for it seems
The heart's the only part of me
That knows the way home -

“Storms don't last forever,”
Heart intones,
“And darkness turns eventually
Into light” ...

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Prose Poem, Sitting with Hell

Hell is personal and real. Hell will sit with you quietly. Hell will hold you and let you cry, an arm around your shoulder. Hell is your friend, if you can believe it. Hell gives no advice and makes no judgments.  Hell cares for you as much as you care for yourself sometimes a lot more because we don't always care for ourselves. Hell understands and feels remorse. Hell never takes joy in It's work rather is a true professional who performs It's duties that are heart rending difficult and completely thankless without any expectations of personal reward or gain. Hell knows you bone to soul, keeps your secrets, accepts your faults and understands your pain.
I know this all to be true because Hell is right here with me now ;) 

Freedom and Fear

What is freedom?
No fear
I made a friend of the night
I let hell hold me in its arms
I gave chance the key to my heart
I drank from the cup of my sins
I embraced my own weaknesses
So why am I still afraid?
Because I know that I don't know
What I don't know -

And this burns my wings

Monday, June 19, 2017

Father's Day 2007 (Personal Essay)

(My father's day tribute such as it is)
My ex wife is in Fairfax Hospital ICU and I am staying nearby at an extended stay with our dogs. We had sold our home a few weeks earlier and my wife had had a bad reaction to a surgery requiring her to have a pic-line placed into her to get nutrients since she had not been able to eat for over a month two months by that time. The pic-line had become infected requiring finally first tier antibiotics in an effort to keep this infection from reaching her heart so it had become a true life and death situation. While she was having a lengthy procedure, I had slipped over to the room to let the dogs out and take a shower. I was writing a quick note in my journal in the tiny hotel kitchen just before getting in the shower.
At this time I was still hearing voices after a high dose Psilocybin Mushroom experience back on February 25th. (The “voices” in the form of clearly alien train of thought within my own mind rather than an auditory hallucination, ended a few weeks later on July 12th 2007 at 6:12PM EST and since this has been the most significant event of my life and was a powerfully healing, transformational and positive experience, I do not forget these dates) The voice (or voices was never clear of any sex or whether or not – they – were singular or plural) often responded to some thought of my own and seemed to be training me among other things to love and support myself and knocking out most of my lifelong negative self talk during this four and a half month long period of time. As I finished making a quick note intending to jump in the shower and head back over to the hospital, my thought as usual on Father's Day came to me, “O well I never had a father and don't have any children” just rather a random, stray thought in my head. This voice in my head “responded”, “that is not true, David, you had a daughter named Dakota” in it's typical clipped, neutral “tone” as it were. (I should note here that I was not on these mushrooms at this time and this voice phenomenon was continuing regardless)
At this I felt myself going numb from the feet upwards sitting on a bar stool with this powerful numbness inching up my body, filling my legs and up through my torso and up into my chest and when it hit my chest, I thought that I was dying as it continued upward consuming my entire body finally. I slipped down off the chair as if melting landing on the hard, linoleum floor sobbing long, wracking, heaving sobs feeling it seemed all of the pain of my own failings, selfishness, fear, despair and this felt unbearable to me. I felt like I could not breath and feeling panic rolled onto my side onto the floor when the voice spoke again, calmly, deliberately, “get on your knees” it said. I did so and felt intuitively that I knew where the voice was going and assumed a position kneeling with my hands in front of me in full supplication I began slamming my fists against the floor sobbing still uncontrollably thinking, “please take this from me I can't stand this please” knowing (somehow?) that I was asking the earth itself to absorb this pain and resolve me of it when the voices again spoke saying, “not your fists, David, your open palms against the ground and touch your forehead as well”. I immediately obeyed still feeling as if I were not able to catch a breath my body wracked with this unbearable pain feeling as if I might pass out. When I placed the palms of my hands against the cool floor and touched my forehead to the floor as well, I felt a powerful electric shock where my forehead touched that snapped by head up and back from the floor so that I found myself in a daze a second later leaning back against the kitchen cabinet with the unbearable pain totally gone just feeling empty and spent still sobbing but able to catch my breath again so gulping air.
I sat for five or ten minutes then slowly calming down wondering what in the hell had just happened to me and wondering not for the first time in the last four months if I were going insane. I had forgotten about Dakota because I wanted to put this out of my mind. I had had an affair during our twenty five long very difficult marriage with a woman who I now realize that I did not fall in love with exactly because she was emotionally available to me and a very loving, compassionate and supportive woman. She had become pregnant with my child and I was going to marry her because I had always told myself that I would not allow my child to be fatherless as I had been. But then she had a miscarriage and I dropped her like a hot potato. Probably the worst thing I've ever done all around this whole affair and no wonder I had put it out of my mind. She later told me that she was going to name our baby, a girl, Dakota.
As terrifying and painful as this was, it was profoundly healing of me. It occurred to me only a few years later on another Father's Day, that this voice, the entity, whatever it was cohabitating my mind then, was perhaps in some metaphysical manner the father I never had and like a wise, loving father, it was capable of “tough love” I discovered that Father's Day.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Just Bring It

To what is barren, bring life.
To what is sick, bring healing. 
To what is sad, bring consolation.
To what is unknown, bring awareness.
To what is unforgiving, bring compassion.
To what is inchoate, bring full on manifestation.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Surrender - a poem become an incantation

“I surrender to you, Love” 
I have to say it out loud
It is not easy to do but I do
“I surrender to you, Love”
Over and over and over
“I surrender to you, Love”
I understand this is a mantra
breathing in, breathing out
I feel resistance as I speak it
My skin insisting that I am
A separate, physical thing
“I surrender to you, Love”
And I begin to remember
“I surrender to you, Love”
My skin begins to surrender
breathing in, breathing out
As I speak this out loud now
“I surrender to you, Love”
I see an army assembled
Too many to possibly count
An army all dressed in white
At the head of the assembly
The King all dressed in white
White flags hang from staffs
breathing in, breathing out
“I surrender to you, Love”
Says the King, kneeling down
He offers up the sword to Love
Across the palm of his hands
And as he lays his sword to rest
Upon these fields of battle
Finally down on its quiet side
All the soldiers do so at once
The King, an army head bowed
breathing in, breathing out
An army on their knees now
In full surrender to you , Love
A bright sun glances off the blades
Illumining hard yet reverent faces
The King sheds one single tear
Glistening in the noon day sun
This skin of mine acquiesces
As all resistance comes to ease
Surrendering to you, Love
breathing in, breathing out

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

To Summer Solstice Moon - prose poem

I want to say something but I don't know what exactly. It's the pain that follows like a shadow. It's that long night of the soul that never seems to end in dawn's relief. It's everywhere and nowhere. It's so close yet so far away. Loneliness. Sadness. Faceless fear. Pointless vigil. Inscrutable yearning. Unrequited love. Worst of all perhaps, a foreboding permeating the air like some doom breathing on the back of my neck sending chills up my spine. If doom itself were to kiss me softly, I would not be startled now.
I have no map of these strange lands. I am a bastard to the past and no pilgrim to the future. I only follow my heart blindly because it is strongest part of me and because it is the only part of me left that seems to have the slightest clue as to what the hell I am doing here.

Monday, June 5, 2017

DNA & The Cosmic Serpent

Why not say it out right sure DNA entwined looks like two snakes fucking
Snakes fucking O wow what the hell kind of building block is that?
DNA read left to right just as you read this left to right whoever you are, you full on goddamn miracle reading a full on goddamn miracle - the sequences being mirror reflections of each other
Over billions of years now base DNA strands span unfathomable strides of time completely unchanged
While mountain ranges come and go and continents walk like gargantuan monsters across the face of the earth
And this is our heritage arising from the dust and returning to the dust these our DNA body Machines
 While our true selves before we were born skip off this world like a flat stone
off of a pond's surface
Is Eternity like some ecstatic fire consumed and consuming at once or more of a snake eating its own tail?

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Psychotherapy and Whirlpools

I'm trying to recall his name but can't? But suddenly I thought of when in my thirties I had this Austrian psychoanalyst and he was a trip looked like Freud, I kid you not complete with the accent, the bow tie, a leather couch I would lie on LOL. A wonderful cliche. Was sorry he retired in the middle of my work with him but he was telling me how as a kid swimming in the Adriatic sea there were these strong whirlpools and the older kids would dive down into them kind of a macho thing. It was like a rite of passage, he explained, "and when I was ready to do it, one of the older boys took me under his wing."
The older boy instructed him, "you will get scared right away and try to exit but that is a mistake because the whirlpool is very strong near the surface. If you push through that fear and force yourself deep into the whirlpools vortex against all your instincts, then you will find that deeper down into the whirlpool it looses it's strength and you can then easily swim out and away from it and resurface" - and that was his take on psychotherapy.
"There is no other way," he smiled.

Friday, June 2, 2017

The Universe, Short Story

I cannot account for what others do with their life's energy and I mean this literally because I am more than a little on the Aspergers spectrum. Just a little, mind you. I perceive some people much as I perceive a dog in terms of any true grasp I can manage in understanding of their inner consciousness which is only vaguely, really, having some basic idea what a dog may be interested in, you know? That's not to equate any human with a dog not what I mean. I mean dogs can't be compared to us. They're another level of better than us. But I painfully digress ...
Or, maybe you don't know and you're thinking, “what the hell is this guy talking about?”. Not to cast aspersions but maybe you're a little Aspy, too, man? I suspect it's a lot more common than people think, myself. The vast majority of us are not so far along the scale as Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory nor so smart … and I think the two do go hand in hand, Asperger Syndrome and intelligence. Often quirky, savant stuff that weird uncle of whom everyone is always thinking, “why the hell doesn't he go on a game show with his trivia knowledge, he'd make a million!” The Tell is a little nervous tic in lack of social skills or perhaps not even that obvious just random gaps in ability to process certain social interactions properly that to “Normals” are so innate as to lay below the level of conscious thought. You know, when you miss something, you don't know that you miss it? Like being hit by a truck and no one gets the license number?
Anyway, I was always looking for God myself. I mean that is what I was interested in and what I was doing mostly. Well, that and romantic love and sure I mixed the two up no bones about it. Goddess worship could not come more naturally to me. I never was much up for sports. I tried to get it up for politics but damn just can't do it I mean I'd rather be poked in the eye with a sharp stick than watch another minute of cable TV News. All that to emphasize that I would have never in a million years figured that The Universe was a “male” entity.
But it is what it is.
So here's the deal, I finally found The Universe drinking heavily late one cold winter's afternoon in a dive bar about half way between Santa Fe and Taos, New Mexico near the Rio Grande River. ( I know, right, who would have thunk it?)
Now of course The Universe is not God but I decided to work my way up the hierarchy, as it were. God in all due time , mind you. It's a process. I see The Universe more like the CEO of the company while God is the owner. 
The sunlight outside is preposterously bright but the air is so cold that a half inch of old snow doesn't melt off the cactus even in the full light of the afternoon sun. Inside the bar is dark heated by a wood stove and the air so bone dry that your nose hairs start to burn after a while and when it's quiet enough – which I it never is! - you can hear your own skin crinkling up. Anyone who lives here for any length of time ends up with skin looking like worn out leather. The Universe is sitting at the small bar alone big German looking guy mid thirties, I'd guess, running big, bony fingers through his thinning, dirty blonde hair when I first set eyes on Him. I can tell he's not a resident because his skin is smooth as a baby's butt.
I sit next to Him and introduce myself and The Universe nods and smiles politely, says hello, but does not identify Himself. I tell the bartender to bring two of what He is having and make it doubles and The Universe smiles and offers me up a toast, “to you, Mate”, he says in an Aussie accent, to my delight.
Good thing for me in this one case that I know my alcoholics. The Universe is a morose alcoholic who passes through a euphoric phase, I determine, and I hoped that he was still in the euphoric phase. I was already thinking that when He hit that morose phase, I want to be miles away from this place.
After our drinks come, a single malt Scotch, I discover, neat, I ask of Him as casually as I can manage, “so why did you take advantage of a Walk-In body, Universe. What was it suicidal guy, guessing?”
His drink stops half way up to His lips. I could see calculation flash across His face for just a beat then He says, non nonchalantly as you may please, “good guess, a suicide case,” downing the rest of His drink then slamming the empty glass down the counter, “load me up,” He tells the barkeep in a cheerful, friendly tone. It makes me think of that guy Steve Erwin. I really liked Steve Irwin.
"You're buying, my new Friend," the universe winks.
"I'd insist on it," I reply. I note that he doesn't go into why he had entered the body of this suicidal fellow but let that go. Not my real concern here.
I saw that I would have to jump in for The Universe was about to cross that threshold from euphoria to morose any time now if indeed He hadn't already - “I want to know about God,” I ask, “anything You can tell me?”.
He starts laughing then coughing so hard that my thought was He might throw up then after this paroxysm settled down said, “don't we all, Mate, don't we all”, in his Steve Erwin voice very much amused.
“Seriously?” I insist.
Without looking at me then, The Universe says matter of fact, “the closest thing to what you humans conceive of as a “God”, is light. so then insofar as I could answer such preposterous question, the answer is light. Everything is light, Mate. Everything is light passing through light, on and on and on – do you see?”
Turning to look at me with those eyes as he asks, “Do you see?”
I suppress a urge to flee asking instead, “to be clear then, you are not actually saying that light IS God or that God IS light?”.
The Universe downs another glass and it hits the thick, wood bar with an empty bang. I see Him cross that threshold and practically run for the door after tossing a couple twenties on the bar. I leave Him there in the growing shadow cast by the steep canyon walls around the little dive bar and I haul ass back up a short cut on a jeep road that climbs two thousand feet in elevation over a relatively few miles quickly to the 8,000 tableland on the western side of the Rio Grande River and climbing steadily up the eastern escarpment, I climb back up into the cold, winter sun now dropping low into the western sky.
“The closest thing to what you humans conceive of as a God, is light” … it made sense in some way to me that is as of yet far beyond articulation?

Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Cosmic Casino

Walking head down steadfast through the gaudy neon lights  flashing and glowing in all the artificial colors of the rainbow scattering in the heavy rains across the wet ground spilling a kaleidoscopic dance of abstract forms. The bustle of humanity in and out of the cosmic casino seems to part around him as he strides purposefully into the lobby. Once across the threshold, he wipes his brow of rain.  He had never been much distracted by the pretty colored lights and fanciful bobbles of this world and perhaps never less so than here and now. He immediately goes to the Roulette Wheel inserting himself at the front. He looks the croupier in the eye, nodding at the wheel while reaching into his pocket pulling out a large, rumpled mass of bills – all of the money he could hock, beg, borrow of steal. Truly, everything he had in this life save that sanctity that is his own soul.

Around the edges of the wheel instead of numbers are words, “Career”, “Leisure”, “Sport”, “Talent”, “Knowledge”, “Power” … and so on but for him there is only one word on the wheel with any meaning at all and that word is, “Love”. Without a second's hesitation, he drops a tortured wad of cash onto “Love” and looks up at the croupier, nodding up and down once, affirmatively.

“Everything on Love to win,” says the croupier dispassionately.

“Everything on Love,” he confirms.

The croupier spins the wheel.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Machine

Maybe at the very core of the fantastic mind control exercised upon especially it seems the American people for at least decades is this unshakable belief that once every four years we the people get to assert ourselves by electing a savior figure who we seem to believe with blatantly unfounded certainty will then act as our champion and right the wrongs we feel are set upon us. It's metronomic , man, you can hear it coming if you put your ear down right upon the railroad tracks.

The rigid form of it all and repetitive nature hint at the fact that what our collective selves have become now is not a nation but actually a machine. Not to be obtuse but perhaps it is better to say that the machine has become us but either way we are the nuts and bolts of this gargantuan metal thing that now spans the wide world with its most obvious manifestation being the military covering now the surface of the earth and under the surface of the earth, the vast oceans of the earth and under the oceans and the air above the earth even into space.

But the machine is as subtle as it is rigid not subject to the human weakness of cognitive dissonance so spreads itself out through the land in every direction taking the form of roads, wires, above and underground cables and connections of all kinds while also, of course, lighting up digital networks of unfathomable complexity and most profoundly and insidiously perhaps this machine we have become reaches seamlessly across time and space via the nearly invisible pathways of our own minds humming and chirping with power some of us hear it constantly calling this phenomenon, tinnitus.

I try to resist the inexorable machinations but if truth be told it is the machine itself that types these words as much as “I” do so. Like characters in a science fiction movie wherein some other worldly intelligence infects humanity like a virus this machine the manifestation of what has been called the trans-humanist agenda thought erroneously to be off somewhere in the near future moves through us now with all the cheerful alacrity of a meme,

Uncle Heart

Uncle Heart 
Poem by David Sky

Had a tea party this afternoon
Invited everyone and everything
My dead grandmother was there
Who is now my Angel -
“Are you happy?” she asks
Dear Grandma always going
Right to the point of things

I could not answer that
Because I could not say
What Grandma always
Wanted to hear
But Bird chimed in
How happy he was
And showed me his happiness
It was there in his heart
And real

Peace sat then with us
Sipping her tea
She pointed to the field
Below us to where the
Lion and the lamb
Lay down together
In the sun
Clearly this beautiful afternoon
Belonged to peace, it was her

After some encouragement
The lost uncles came only
Because the lion and the lamb
Lay peacefully next to each other
Only because this day belonged
To peace
A rare outing in the light of day
For these isolated males
Who brought their brutality
And violence with them
Into the sun to sip
Tea with us all

When the lone, old warrior
Dropped an arrowhead into his tea
I could not help but ask why
He said that it gave him strength
I asked how long the arrowhead lasts
(how much strength can you draw?)
He said it lasts until it is needed
To strike into another man’s heart
This with a twinkle in his eye
Toasting me and laughing at me
I understood darkly that there are
As many arrowheads as there are hearts
So far as the old warrior is concerned

Uncle Heart walked up and
Put his warm and friendly arm
Around my shoulder, turning
Me away from the warrior
Uncle heart said confidentially
Right into my ear
Not to leave decisions to
The old warrior
Then he twisted to wink at
The old warrior watching us
And he added meaningfully
Again right into my ear
Unless it is really necessary!
Squeezing my shoulder

Uncle heart always wants to
Make things perfectly clear
Uncle heart is the tree
His roots go down deep
Into the mother of us all
Even while his branches
Reach up into the sky

He tells me to beware
Of the gatekeepers
Pressing the palm of
His right hand against
My heart significantly
He tells me then
How much he loves me
As the older men will do
I am always here for you
He says with a big hug
I know the whole family
The whole family knows me

Uncle heart is bit of gossip
Loves to confide, to take you aside
Suddenly serious, now, deadly so -
Between you and I, he insists
Don’t let anything, man or beast,
Ever come between us
Nodding at the old warrior

I won't I assure Uncle Heart
And I really mean it
I think of how the warrior
Always has his place, his time,
Glancing over at him now
Sitting nearby so peacefully
Calmly sipping his arrowhead tea

(2 Grams Ecuadorian strain. This I took as a test for the strength of this new grow since someone who had never taken them wanted to try some. I never take small doses normally only large doses when I do and I don't do it often at all. This threw me for quite a loop and I had to conclude that this was a particularly strong cubensis strongest I have had. I was not prepared to actually trip here and as it was happening kept thinking a bit petulantly, "but it's only two grams!" A lot more happened in this - most significantly a heart to heart talk at this picnic with the Great Gaian Mother of us All - but I wrote this poem as soon as I came down enough to write and let it stand to represent "the heart of the trip" - pun totally intended)

Into The Heart of all Things

I take my spirituality 
With a fist full of dirt - 
Do you understand? 

I gather up all my faith 
And I find that it is 
Nothing at all 

This is of no concern
Yes, this is perfect,
I prefer to travel light

I stand in natural unity
Always and forever
With the Welfare of All

The instinct of a Mongoose
Rising up in mortal threat
Against the snakes,

I bristle with distrust
At the institutes of men
All authority on this earth

I take the extra time 
To wander through temples
Knocking over the icons

My mind glances easily
Off of the surface of things
Born to seek the depths

I know the true voice
Of the Great Gaia Spirit
The mother of this body

And now with each breath of life
I drive my crude sword 

Deeper into the heart of all things

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How We Met

We met catastrophically in a deadly head on collision back in the Summer of 1963. Brian tried to blame me at first claiming my headlights were too dim to see properly - or some such nonsense but after he calmed down a bit, Brian admitted that he had been distracted fidgeting with his radio. Fatally fidgeting with his radio , I should say,. He was trying to pass someone and ran into me head on in my lane so I it was his fault, alright. But I do not press the issue too awfully much any longer. It has been almost two hundred years now since we were on earth and I was coming home from the restaurant where I worked late and Brian was commuting home from his job in the city.

It was as if our souls were flung together at death and I think it was just love at first sight for both of us, you know? Fate maybe? But we love each other as much today as the day we died together and that is the truth. They do not have marriage here or anything like that but in every way that matters, Brian and I have been happily married for an awfully long time. He is thoughtful and loving and I consider myself to be very lucky. Of course, Brian is luckier still since he has me in his death. He is just a lousy driver no doubt about that but fortunately there is no driving here, either. I do tease him about it from time to time when he is particularly annoying and in need of being put in his place. It's my ultimate ace in the hole, “you killed me and I wasn’t even twenty one years old yet!” I have to look at the bright side. I never loose an argument since that trumps any argument if it comes right down to it and never gets old, if you know what I mean?

Saturday, May 6, 2017

An American Wedding

America a Golem bride blasphemously wearing white led down the shaky stern of the ship of fools serving as the wedding aisle to a wedding march played with commitment by her father the Wharf Rat who is well over two hundred years old. The groom awaits with arms folded in front of him out on the open deck with Reverend Fear, cloaked head bowed. The groom smiling proudly a toothy smile of perfectly whitened teeth the size of piano keys slight tilt to his magnificently square head, his enormous – corn fed! - body dwarfing Reverend Fear. Anyone paying attention notices he has an actual rocket not quite in his pocket.
Under the sickeningly unnatural light of the apocalypse, the sky roiling in burnt colors of purple, orange and red, lit as if by some unholy fire, the wedding party upon the becalmed ship of fools drifts helplessly on a sea awash in the color of radiator fluid toward the cataracts of the abyss.
When America our Golem bride stands at last before her husband to be, her father the Wharf Rat quiets the keys of his piano.
“America,” Reverend Fear asks in an oddly sepulchral tone - “do you take this ICBM for your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.” America affirms.
“ICBM,” do you take this beautiful Golem Bride for your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do,” affirms the groom.
Reverend Fear declares, “by the powers vested in me by the state of fear, I now pronounce you man and wife.ICBM you may kiss your bride.”

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Matters of the Heart

I have become an expert in matters of the heart. It was not exactly by design yet was not without intent, either. My heart kept calling me back to dialogue. My heart never gave up on me even when I gave on it, gave up on everything. At the age of forty seven, I turned finally into my heart and with deliberation and a lot of help “opened it” which is really not an accurate phrase more to the point, my heart opened me. My heart is everything. It is as indomitable as it loving and kind. It is fearless and smart and wise and my heart loves me wholly without restraint or measure. I may not know you, but my heart knows you because all hearts are one heart. I know this to be true because my heart told me so.

You don't have to understand it, David, it said. It's a heart thing. Just believe it.

And I do believe it even though I do not honestly understand it because I trust my heart - it is the voice of God to me.

East, West, North or South -
Wherever her heart beats

I am already there ...

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Interview with a Searcher

He finally granted me access at his home on a Sunday afternoon. We sit in his den a cozy place with wall to wall books of a most eclectic nature. I notice sandwiched between an ancient looking hardback of War and Peace and a Moosewood Cook Book is a thin volume titled, “How to Find the G Spot”, as an actual example. 

Outside are low, heavy clouds and in his study's only light is natural from a few high, small, square windows letting in a diffuse, winter afternoon glow.

Why should I talk to you, he asks me evenly.

I will tell your story accurately, faithfully, I tell him truly. You have my complete discretion.

He leans forward all 6' 5” of him,  his long arms and long legs looking awkward when he sits like he's all knees and elbows – listen, this is serious work,  volunteer work as it may be, there is little of more importance – do you understand?

I return his sustained eye contact assuring him sincerely that he has my utmost respect. Just tell me what you do, I ask. 

Well, what you do is go find them. Simple as that. I focus on the task at hand and by that I mean that I not only look, I see; I not only listen, I hear. I become a receiver - do you know what that means?

No, tell me?

It means I'm receiving not transmitting.

Not sure I understand how that works?

Mind is blank, he says, seeming to relax just a little sitting back in his chair and sort of untangling himself, continuing, mind is blank, breathing controlled, pace deliberate, sustainable, the awareness focused upon reading the terrain always trying to grasp the big picture too, you know, that is important. Where am I on this earth? The first rule of the search is never get lost yourself. So many decisions to be made in terms of directions all constantly interacting with inner hunches. It is a state of complete commitment on every level.

Is it hard, I ask, I mean isn't it dangerous, isn't it lonely out there in the wilderness like that?

Not up until you get the all clear from base meaning either the search has been called off or the person was found. Before that, you're too focused.  It's afterward's it can get real. Maybe by then you realize that you pushed it too far this time. Maybe this time you don't get back. You start thinking a little wildly. Yea it's lonely. Maybe you start with that  what's it All About Alfie stuff going around in your head. But you push on through because you know down in your toes that it's not just about you. It's about this other, you know - this other that is out there somewhere who needs you to find them. So no matter what, I dust myself off, do whatever I need to do so I can be ready for the search.