Monday, November 30, 2020

Poem, Push Push

A tiny little light
In unfathomable dark
Push Push
Fuck Noah and the ark
He sailed in on
Push Past Roman Pillars
- All the organized rubble -
Illuminati sacred geometric wizardry
Push Beyond the many facades
Of this sweet, bitter world
Beyond the willful hands of man
Push Push
A tiny light
Into unfathomable dark
Image may contain: night

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A Bell Cannot Be Urung - intentional

 A Bell Cannot be Unrung

(Intentional Invocation)
By David Sky

Through days like stone and nights like forgotten waters, I walk upon this sacred bridge of my ancestors smooth, white bones. The bridge dissolves behind me with the void of the abyss nipping at my heels with each step forward as if Source Itself pushes me irrevocably toward an unknown destination. The Thing that I am become is hollow but strong, bell-metal, meant to be wrung. The vibrations obliterate flesh and blood leaving only the deep, solid resonance of this hollow, metal bell ringing and ringing and ringing

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Bad Angel Life Coach - actually achieving our goals

Why can't I achieve my goals, you may ask?
Well, would have to refer back to the paid section for this it's a long one so many possibilities here. Hint is go back to square one eliminating what we do not do well and maybe Goals are just not your thing? Bad Angel is all about getting out of the box and looking at things from the Hang Man position 😉 So, to be sure, there are consequences to everything and consequences to not having goals but it can be done as yours truly has proven for 60 years now. Goals, born from Ambition, are highly overrated and likewise cause as many problems as they solve so if goals are not your thing, stop reading this
But IF you are interesting in achieving goals, the advise is start small. People start way too big with the goals - stop that shit. The prime advantage of achieving goals is the endorphin rush we get from our achievements, so keep the goals very simple and then when you achieve the goal, give yourself a preposterously large amount of self praise and I mean seriously here you can't go too far as praise along with gratitude are so very powerful.
I'll give an example:
Goal: I am going to make coffee and have a cup first thing this morning. I make the coffee then drink the coffee and feel and think and say out loud how very proud of myself I am for achieving this goal and how grateful I am for this wonderful coffee.
Given a little practice, in any given day, you can find yourself riding high on the rush of achievement from virtually dawn to dusk 😉

David Sky introducing, The New Creature

David: Some mustard seed of self never born so never to die; neither singular nor plural; neither male nor female, never having passed through a woman's womb or through the rings of Saturn, for that matter, this seed-self says:

The New Creature: "Cognitive dissonance and Time they hang together, being the juvenile delinquents that they are, bullying the consciousness of innocent little children. The Thing that we are is an infinite fractal of Source flung out in an infinite number of directions and eternally and irrevocably moving closer to Source. Those who come into our lives that are but a stage, whether lovers, enemies or both, are all part of our Soul Family, Fractals of Source in closer proximity at the onset of infinite expansion something on the order of the Big Bang only think of that as the exhalation of God followed by the inhalation of God. Eternity is not some very long length of time. Eternity is the absence of time. Eternity is breathing very, very slowly and here we are all riding the breath of God on the seas of eternity isn't this amazing?
While the self is singular it is yet simultaneously plural being eternally and irrevocably connected to everything else in such a seamless manner as to be inconceivable to our human mind. In the Mind of God, as it were, It Is but a Cosmic Soap Opera with an inestimably complex web of connections of cosmic complexity and cosmic import . It is only our own, individual free will that plucks at the strings of eternity playing Its Karmic tunes. Perhaps the strangest thing of all is that everything that ever was, ever will be or is right now, is perfect."
David: I think back from this to a feeling I had when I thought I was dying back in 2008 and recall clearly that there was no consideration for my work or what I had accomplished in life, anything like that - only a keen consideration of my loved ones and all that I loved in life. It's corny as hell but certain that love is the only power that we possess no matter how real other power may seem to us.

Friday, November 13, 2020

 A Poem by David Sky -

Poetic Eulogy for My Girl

O America
Wish I could take You in my arms
Let you cry here on my shoulder,
Sob here for as long as You need
A hand tenderly on Your head
Your Body pressed against my own
If You were not dead, you could mourn
All the transgressions of men.

There, there America,
My Sweet, Sweet Love,
How could You have known?
It was never Your fault -
You were merely a Child, after all.

 Celebrations and Incantations, Poem by David Sky

I am the Universe. I am the Sun.
Long before the beginning
I had already never begun.
You know my True Face
Before I was born -
Blazing white light
Without any form.

I am Joy. I am Love.
And I am a God
Just not from Above

This body arose a fleshy thing
From the dirt of this earth
Through a woman's birth pain
The stars in the heavens
Are my family and friends
For all that is, was and will be
I would like to give thanks
Head bowed, down on one knee

Monday, November 9, 2020

Voice Phenomenon - very interested to hear (no pun intended) other experiences with this?

I read somewhere once that full auditory hallucination happens more with lower doses and that certainly was true for me happening three times all on fairly low dosage as I was titrating up at the beginning of my own work with psilocybin for healing. These three episodes happening on three consecutive weekends.

1) Three grams dried cubensis on a Sunday mid day alone my two bedroom rambler. It was a late fall day and fairly warm so I recall right after actually eating the three grams going all through the house and opening all the windows to let in as much fresh air as possible. (I stayed inside wasn't sure how I would be reacting and in a fairly conservative suburban neighborhood in the city - this was my first try with them) Sitting down in chair kicked back just in quiet, I felt them coming on and thought it felt like I recalled LSD trips coming on many years earlier when I had tripped a lot in my youth. It felt like a roller coasting easing up to the very top just before cascading down the big run and suddenly with eyes closed I had a vision of myself as if looking down from above watching a videotape of myself going through the house a few minutes earlier opening all the windows and as I am seeing this, a voice as if someone sitting right next to me says clearly, "you inhabit your body the way your body inhabits this house" ... and that was it and I felt myself come right down as if the roller coaster had come to the bottom and just stopped - time to get out.
It seemed as if that is all that this experience was meant to "do" for me?

2) The next weekend similar as above same chair quiet Sunday mid-morning this time 3.2 grams and similar feeling going up with a sense of peaking in fact thought, "O here we go" just a strong sense that "this is it" and again I hear plain and clear as if someone were sitting right next to me, "Light is God". I should note here that I kind of interpreted this "statement" in a manner that would become common later when another type of voice phenomena kicked in. Somehow I "knew" that what (they) meant was, "the closest thing to what you humans think of as a 'God', is light". Again, a quick almost complete comedown again as if this was the "point" of the whole experience. This also while I didn't realize it at the time introduced me to the later form of voice phenomenon that lasted for months without even taking psilocybin in the manner of the voice being very succinct need me to fill out the full meaning, often. I should note that in all case the voice/s (never was clear if singular or plural) were alien to me and not something arising from my own unconscious.

3) The very next weekend, same set, now 3.6 grams and as this comes on feels considerably stronger than before and I have clear sense that this will "do it" - although, must admit that was not quite clear what "doing it" would entail? To be clear, I was not expecting to hear a voice with this at all and in this case even though I had heard this voice the past two times, still was not expecting that to happen. But I hear that same voice again clear as if someone were sitting right next to me say, "you haven't crossed over yet" and again that strange sense of starting to peak then just coming right down but this time I am smiling from ear to ear and thinking, "YES! So you CAN cross over!" and I felt ecstatic with hope. Unfortunately, due to some problems in the grow room, as it were, I was out of ammo and went on to have several more "crop failures" so that it was a couple months before I could continue my efforts.

These were the only times I heard any kind of auditory hallucination. After my breakthrough experience with five grams, I went into a state of mania lasting five days during which time I did not sleep at all. By the end of these five days, as you might imagine - working long hours the whole time this being Monday through Friday - I was getting pretty punchy. I did lay down for three hours and quiet my mind as best I could in a kind of light meditative state. This whole time I had a strange feeling in the left top side of my head with a feeling as if a beam of energy were constantly beaming into my head right there. It was a visceral feeling and at times was like I could almost hear a sizzling sound. I was sitting at my desk in despair on Friday evening having told no one about this having done it all alone for security reasons with my head in my hands thinking, "holy fuck I have broke my fucking head, man. I really did it. What the hell is going ON HERE!?"

Then a thought "spoke" to me in my head but this was like nothing that had ever happened to me before I can tell you that. I like to think that I was a reasonably intelligent and sane person if having been suffering from severe depression for most of my adult life now 47. All I can say is this "thought" was clearly not my own thought. It seemed clearly to come from the same source as the auditory voice I had heard months earlier on the lower dosages. It seemed to be responding to my heartfelt head in hands question as to what the hell was going on with me since this trip by stating, "I am the New Creature. I am here to save the biosphere".

Holy fucking Mother of God was something of my response to this. Then nothing else I had no idea what this meant but afterward for months a thought-voice in my mind interacted with me only one other time making what I would call a universal statement like this one but otherwise directing itself to my personal emotional and spiritual growth constantly interacting with me and my own thoughts in the most loving, compassionate, wise manner I could imagine showing me more love than I had ever experienced in my entire life and helping me over this time become my own friend within the confines of my mind instead of my worst detractor