Saturday, January 29, 2022

Three Sheets in the Winds Personal Astrology - Pluto Opposite my Moon & Pluto Return for USA


Three Sheets in the Wind

By David Sky

I’ve lived a life characterized by failure and disappointment and stand now on the brink of  spiritual, emotional, psychic & physical ruination. This is clearly my destiny and I feel yet no strong pull to resist what is clearly dissolution of self. Pluto hits exact opposition to my natal moon on February 27th 2022 and coincidentally Pluto also hits its exact Pluto Return for the United States of America on March 17th 2022. For astrologers playing along that means Pluto of the USA is within minutes of conjunction to my natal Moon in Cancer. 

Pluto entered Capricorn late in 2008 and has been steadily exploring and cataloging the shadow side of self ever since steadily undermining for me my 5th house that by transit I see a lot as representing The Self (The Sun Self) our light, our creativity, our sense of romantic passion and the part of us that wants to shine and to play and have fun. Pluto has been doing this work in the 10th House in the USA chart which is the House representing Government, control, the status quo just look at the social environment as we head toward March 17th and two to three long years of “transformation of (Self/Country)”. At least this Pluto Opposite Moon energy ends sooner for me ... another year from now ... Calgon Take Me Away 

I submit Pluto and, if it’s all the same to you, I’m just going to call you “Calgon” in my mind and hereafter it will be simply a deep sigh with, “Calgon take me away”.

Poof no more Pluto Problems only Calgon Taking Me Away damn astrology comes through again with advice to lean heavily into Neptunian self delusion and avoidance as a coping mechanism of last resort.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Batter Up - Energetic Visualization

(Warning: this is in invocation that elevates available energy which could lead to a rise in the pulse, blood pressure and/or some anxiety, much as might amphetamines)

Zooming in the stadium is empty save a batter and his coach. At first, they appear so small there in the gigantic, empty stadium. But then we find that neither the batter nor the coach are small rather the opposite as both of them are large in life and we are drawn to them with a keen interest.

The Batter is enormous making home plate look tiny and he stands ready forearms like Popeye for God’s sake and 100% focused upon the mechanical pitcher on the mound before him loaded up with an army of baseballs.

The Coach is enormous as well but not in any good way with a cigar hanging from his lips like it was born there standing just behind the Batter looking sullen yet intent.

Batter Up The Coach announces and as The Batter tightens in the ready, body taught like a spring ready to explosively unwind, the Coach hits the start on the batting machine’s remote and the first fast ball assaults the mound with a loud pop.

Seemingly instantaneously with the pop, our Batter unwinds meeting the ball with a solid, resounding CRACK! And sending the ball on a perfect arch right out of the stadium.

The Coach follows the “Crack” with, “Outta da park” in a mumble through his wet cigar.

Instantly then comes the Pop of the second ball and the Crack of the Batter having rewound meeting the ball and sending it to on this perfect arch right out of the stadium.

The Coach follows with, “Outta da park” ….

The third ball comes and now things are already becoming a blur as the batter coils and uncoils this flurry of


Outta da Park!



Outta da Park!

Over and over and over and then the coach increases the rate of the pitches and it goes into some hyperdrive this popcrackouttadapark with the batter now like a machine winding and unwinding with such a speed, precision and force that it makes my own heart pound just to witness this … beauty …

I find in my mind that I can increase and decrease the rate of the pitches and feel the effects immediately so kind of set the rate and just sit with that for a few minutes and it’s better than a pot of coffee LOL

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Saturn Return in Natal Chart, Personal Astrology by David Sky

Saturn Comes Home to Roost 

God with the Saturn energy it's just a part of me now feels like not good or bad, not dark but heavy, somber, ponderous, man, ponderous. It feels like this is not a passing phase, not a brief transit, as it were. This is upon me now like age itself for the rest of my life. I see things so differently as if the whole world during these last few years heaved and folded transforming from this ephemeral, dreamlike thing I have known my whole life into now this solid place made of earth and stone and blood and bone and all governed by this slow but inexorable march of TIME.
I am dealing with this pernicious flu it's not helping so I'm dragging myself around and in line at the pharmacy looking at the old man in front of me not without compassion but in this Saturnine way and it's like I can FEEL how close he is to the end, like I can feel his heartbeat nearing its last beat and simultaneously feel my own relative measure of it all and in this new visceral way not in that clear but theoretical Scorpio measure of death and the end of the physical but in this cold, implacable and solid measure that Saturn takes of it all. Saturn does not simply THINK about the physical, it IS the physical. Saturn does not pontificate upon the end, it IS the end.
I am 58. My heart beats. It won't beat so much longer until I am exactly like this old man right here - not much longer at all. It is what it is, man. Carpe Diem is the only sane philosophy so that is still the same only now for me that is not just a meme, it's REAL, solid as a tombstone or the brass handles on a casket.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Transit Saturn Square Natal Venus

 Personal Astrology

My Experience & Interpretations:

In the dark heart of this one, you find yourself virtually invisible to the outer world. You could light yourself on fire and people would just say,
“OMG there’s someone on fire WTF!?”
“Who the fuck IS THAT!?”
“I have no idea other than someone on fire didn’t even realize anyone was standing there until I felt the heat, man”
So, yea, obviously don’t go setting yourself on fire because that never makes anything better. For me Saturn in 6th house square natal Venus in Scorpio in 3rd conjunct Neptune most significantly and the asteroid Dejanira by a degree sextile natal Saturn in Capricorn and a loose but significant square to natal Uranus in Leo the 12th house. It’s like Saturn Itself is in this two and a half year process of walking me through my 6th House or what I call my “Achilles Heel” or “Krptonite” depending on my mood but Aquarius. In my case, Saturn has seen fit to take hostage of all Venus energy that it could so of comfort, luxury, stability, abundance, attractiveness and Saturn has made it clear that during this long transit I’d say an influence a year or better, Saturn demands that I structure my 6th house (Virgo Ascendant) and attend to my daily routine and health and frankly, from my point of view, Saturn has been a real dick. There I said it, it had to be said.
But the overall effect is having the rug pulled out from under my feet such that at least in an emotional sense, I am force to be self contained and self sufficient and some element of almost forced self love through self care comes into play, I feel, on my part, much as I dislike Saturn, I do line up with the energy now always seems to end better that way. You want structure in daily routine, health and personal well being – OK Saturn, On it.
(You Dick)
Normally, this can be a year or so of much difficulty in relationships and for me this has very much been the case in general but, thank God, in specific, I am blessed with a great love that came in the midst of this energy. Venus is about Desire and Value by transit this to me always has to be kept strongly in mind. Like a change in our Belief System, a change in our Values System can be quick and life altering in nature. Saturn here tends to take Venus down to the nub with Venus in no make up, bad light, with little sleep and not frankly in the best of moods. Our Venus energy gets to suck its own marrow for a minute in our life and focus on what is important in terms of blood and bone and soul.
I like to follow Saturn transits by house and I feel that it is the best and quickest way for beginning or intermediate astrologers to get a deeper grasp upon their own or someone else’s chart and especially of overall themes and patterns. Two and a half years means at any point I look at a chart, it wouldn’t have been too long ago that Saturn had changed signs and houses and Saturn tends to leave a footprint.
(Bootprint more like it)
Talking to people if it is not myself is first just find the dates and ask people what was going on at this point and this point and give them time to search it out and then listen and seems to hone in on the life themes going on. Saturn don’t play It’s a Dick but still it’s always doing It’s job. Want to know what’s next, just look where Saturn’s going.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Work Life Blues - Short-Short Story


My editor called couple months ago from our home planet and said that he needed me to cover the next presidential election cycle in the USA - after spewing coffee out my nose (hate it when that happens!) I said, "I'd rather blow a goat".

My editor responds dryly, "you use that phrase a lot".
I insist, "No way. No How. Never Happen. Don't know why you bothered to ask."
After a moments reflection, let me say that I'd rather blow my brains out than cover this earth farce that they most euphemistically call an election especially in the US of A. "Just ain't gonna happen, Boss."
Boss sighs knowing now that it ain't happening - "Listen, you're being an asshole because you know I can't afford to bring you back and replace you."
"Look," I assert, "I'm off to Fiji to interview Michael Franti as per our original contract to cover earth's music and art scene. The fact that you can't find anyone to cover this clusterfuck of the dominant nation state's election cycle is your problem, not mine, that's how I see it. Earth conditions require one to "go with the flow" here, as they say. And You would most definitely not understand. So, anyway, that's what I'm gonna do".
"You are one sorry excuse for a journalist! - "
Damn, The 24 hour days here are just too short for that kind of negativity in my life, man.
I should add that the last three reporters who were assigned to cover these elections all threw themselves in front of a truck, one after having gouged out his own eyes with his thumbs. While we are humanoid and can pass for humans on superficial examination, our tolerance threshold for BS is apparently set far below the level of you earth humans. The bullshit of your political elections is literally more than we can bare.
May be an image of text