Thursday, October 27, 2016

  1. The mushroom voice I heard after the breakthrough experience of 2/25/07 said, "everything that ever was, ever will be or is right now is perfect" and that really blew my mind. I knew that it was true but only as a matter of faith because I believe everything that I heard in my own head. It was like finally finding someone who I could really trust. This may be the opposite of how most people who react to hearing voices in their heads? I don't know. This took the form of an alien strain of thought in my own mind not as an auditory hallucination but as a thought in my own mind that I immediately and instantly recognized as not my own - believe me, it stands out! 
  2. This lead to what I call the "wolf eating the caribou alive conundrum" wherein I try to grasp how the caribou could possibly find being eaten alive by wolves to be in an way "perfect"? This makes me happy in a real way because I went ahead and believed this perfection to be true so clearly have now a "belief" since I cannot prove it. So kind of it's a religion then way I see so I have religion again in some small way - hey, didn't see that coming. 
  3. A mushroom inspired religion straight up no getting around it. I don't want to call it a religion though so I'll say an individual faith because the last thing this world needs is any more religions. Can I get an AMEN?!
  4. God bless you. 
  5. When you've fallen down and you can't get up, it's hard to grasp how it is perfect? When your heart is shattered so badly around you that you can't take one step without slicing open your foot on the shards, it's a hard thing to take hold of, you know? When we loose a loved one to death and hell just all the world of pain that squats upon us all how am I to believe that this is somehow "perfect"?
  6. Faith. It takes a busload of faith to get by