Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Heart Over Head


How fearless, how strong, how indomitable, how utterly dauntless is this heart of mine ...
"Raise every mast for full sail!" says Heart.
"Wait ... what! No!" Head is not happy, to say the least, "O man common this will NOT END WELL!!!"
It's okay, I try to reassure Head - you'd think I'd be better at it by now having had soo much practice -
But Head, as usual, is not having it, "But what if there's a storm, what if there are shoals, unforeseen obstacles and problems I mean this is the OCEAN and where the hell are those nautical maps, dammit man, we're in uncharted waters if we don't have nautical maps, for the love of God, Boss THINK about what Heart is DOING!!!"
Shush, Head, just look at the bright side, the sea air blowing our hair, breath in the salt air isn't it amazing? Take a deep breath - O wow you can taste the salt water. Just breathe! Isn't it a Joy, a Gift to be alive!
"We're going for it" says Heart smiling, in his element now, "if it doesn't end well, this will just be the most perfect disaster EvEr and we'll call it a significant move in the right direction. We came here to ply the seas, right? So if we're not going to sail then what the hell is the point?".
Whoa, that's a long speech from Heart. I guess when you've been broken, battered and defeated in so many places and so many times that finally enough light gets in that you just aren't afraid of the darkness anymore?
Hear that, Head, that's Heart saying put up or shut up - now come on, we got work to do, Head - all hands on deck!
David B Sky

Sunday, February 20, 2022

What is Love


What is love, really, as a noun, not the verb, "to love" but this -essence, "love" this thing that just IS?

I don't know, really. I suspect that it's something different for each, that this is how it is suppose to be, something endlessly mutable and individualistic, something perfectly sculpted by this utterly unique art of each and every heart.
Can I say, at least, that love is a whole which is always magnitudes greater than the sum of its parts?

The Only Way Out Is Through

When you turn to Source with all your heart and ask for guidance, you expect for some reason (?) to be delivered from the storm. But instead, you find yourself almost inexplicably turning into the storm.
Maybe God says, "OK good now we can get down to some Soul Work."
I think many people who consider themselves spiritually oriented in some manner feel that once connected to higher self everything will suddenly become transcendent, perfect, heavenly gardens and choirs ... but the reality of it is that we exist as eternal beings in what could be called, "pure ecstasy" in human terms but we come here into this 3D world to do the soul work for which we must roll up our sleeves and prepare to get dirty.
"And so I turn, turn again into the thick of it, like the turning of the leaves into the oncoming storm ... "

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Venus in Scorpio

It’s not easy but you could find someone
To help you make your dreams come true
And we’ll do that, and love doing it, too,
But we'll go that extra mile and help you
Make those lies you've always told yourself
Come true
You can find someone to love you real deep
Because you are a beautiful soul, you know,
We’ll go down into that actual soul of yours
And love any demons we can’t slay by hand
No worries for you let us handle the darkness
Rest your head in our lap as we slay them
While you sleep
No need to tell us where the bodies are buried
We intuit that and for you our only concern
Is that they stay down deep in the soft earth -
Others, sure they will love your smile, your joy,
We love all that, some of us have Neptune conjunct,
But we’ll love your fears, pain, weakness and tears
Equally as much

Sisters Faith, Hope & Peace

She is real, Faith, a woman -
A female thing, divine feminine,
Energy of reception, conception.
In her spiritual womb transformation
Fear turns into faith, despair into faith,
Faith like darkness yielding to dawn
She is real, Hope, a woman -
A female thing, divine feminine,
Energy of inception, of creation.
In her spiritual mind inspiration,
Doubt, turns to hope, pain to hope,
The past and the future into now
She is real, Peace, a woman -
A female thing, divine feminine,
Energy of a sigh, of meditation,
In her spiritual heart acquiesce,
Sitting quietly under the Bodhi Tree
Disease in her heart turning to ease

Cosmic Road Trip with Mind & Heart


Mind is in the backseat and he is NOT happy about it, let me tell you. It's a delicate thing with mind as he needs a lot of love and attention yet cannot be overindulged so I've never had children but I imagine it's something of that kind of balance?
"You know - " Mind begins and I shush him.
"Mind, honest to God, man, you did a great job of looking in the rear view mirror for all those years and I dearly love you, you know that right?"
"Define love," Mind says petulantly.
"Look, Mind, it's a team effort here, not all about you, man. Just look out the window and enjoy the scenery it's pretty cool, really beautiful countryside, a gorgeous day - just chill, Heart's got the wheel. He's the only one who really knows where we're going - Heart you know where we're going, right?"
Heart, never much for words, "O yeah. I got this".
See, Mind. Lie back into it, man, Heart's got this. You and me, we can just chill and enjoy the ride now. This is awesome, try to appreciate that.
I'm not certain how reassured Mind is but he's quiet for a change so I'll take it

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

"Trip" Report Gila Wilderness New Mexico

 Once I spoke to Eternity personified as a female Goddess possessing or expressing an infinite seeming love characterized by a kind of patience that I don't exactly know how to describe like some perfect or archetypal mother. At this time, I was under the impression that our Gaian Mother was my mother and this notion was quite dear to my heart, very important to me. In this experience under the influence of a high dose of psilocybin alone deep in a million acre New Mexico wilderness, came Eternity and I still can recall her voice - compelling. I was trying to pull away and she would say ever so gently but compellingly, "David, come back here, now, listen to me now" tapping simultaneously her nails upon something hard - I could not see her then in an altered state of reality physically unconscious but when I "looked up" at the direction I heard her voice coming from, I could see a classical white, Greek pillar behind which shone a bright light that if this pillar were not blocking, I felt surely would kill me. This light seemed to be her, Eternity, who spoke so gently, so insistently to me.

"David, you need to listen, I need to tell you something now" Eternity insists, tap tap tap tap, to get my attention.
"Yes?" I finally managed blinking looking at this pillar above me and the blinding white light behind it.
"She is not your mother, Honey. Do you understand".
I do understand, I understand it all even before she says and I begin to sob and I think likely actually began to sob, now in mid morning sun in the middle of an empty field, alone, next to the Gila River. My heart is broken like never before as if some final insult to my most dearly held delusion was just then stripped away leaving me as naked emotionally and spiritually as I was in reality there in that field. Of course, I thought, of course how did I not see this? I didn't want to see it. I couldn't see it. A child abandoned by by his father and his mother who had found the Great Gaian Mother of us All and clung to her thigh as would any abandoned child. When she put her hand gently upon my head and comforted me, that saved my life - literally. My love for her is the love of a child for his mother.
"David I am so sorry," Eternity is saying while I am still lost in convulsive grief, "but you must accept this if you want to continue your journey, you must," and I thought listening to her that I do accept it, I see the truth of it, feeling through my grief some odd sense of shame for not having seen it sooner, how foolish and childish I had been in my delusion. As if to comfort me, Eternity, also a mother, is saying, "She is the Mother of your body, David. The Earth Mother she gave you this physical vessel in which to invest yourself while in this physical incarnation so in that sense she is then the mother of your body but your eternal spirit as you know was never born so you have no mother or father those are mere constructs of this incarnation, this reality here, same as time, pain, loss, abandonment all those feelings and all the delusions of your flesh and blood life that She, yes, the Gaian Mother of your body, has made possible for the singular edification of your eternal spirit."
I "woke" then finding myself on my knees, naked, in the middle of a small clearing, having disrobed and apparently crawled out 30 feet or so from my camp under the pines, my face, neck, chest and belly covered in sand made wet with my tears and some got in my eyes and I am sitting on my knees and had been for I don't know how long. I try to stand but my legs are asleep and I pitch forward, face planting into the sandy earth. After some indeterminate length of time, just lying there feeling the warm sandy, earth against the side of my face, I stand up seeing my backpacking camp a few yards away under a Ponderosa Pine finding it vaguely reassuring, making some note that I am not, after all, completely naked in the wilderness. I have everything i need right there to survive and comfort myself even and in fact having been out this now the fifth day having in all that time not seen another soul. I stumble then forward about 20 yards to the Gila River here merely a large creek maybe 20 feet wide and three feet deep at the center and I plunge into the water and it is freezing cold and shocking and I wash the sand from my face, out of my hair, out of my eyes, my body and stumble back up onto the bank and sit shivering in the hot, noon day sun.
I remember the Voice of Eternity and look around in awe at the beauty of the Gila Wilderness, the canyon country I am in, grateful to be alone so that no one thinks me insane and grateful to the Great Gaian Mother of our bodies for giving me what I now call this DNA Body Machine, knowing that in only a few short years I will give this body back up to her for from dust we are made and to dust we shall return. All things in this reality begin and end - a fantastic and utterly novel experience for an Eternal Being. One that apparently we need to experience in order to negotiate the hallowed halls of eternity itself.