Saturday, September 3, 2022

Mars Retrograde in Gemini 2022/23

This incredible Mars transit through Gemini hitting my 10th house driving me back into study while Pluto steady searches my soul in opposition to my Cancer Moon. It often feels that I am dying physically so, I mean, primarily, and yet I live. What is not killing me is in some literal process of making me stronger.

So long as I live, I vow to drive this crude sword deeper and deeper into the Heart-of-All-Things.
This body and ego self is a ridiculous thing as hapless as any little bird but my true self is indomitable, never born so never to die and I must remind all these planets, kindly but firmly, and even our Sun itself that while all of you will wink out of existence in only a few billion years, the Thing I Am is eternal. None of you are the master of me.

The Pathology of The Machine

It is more than simply approaching childbirth as if it were a disease to be treated by medical intervention. There is a fatalism that is a nihilistic perception of life as being some state of dying staved at any moment only by our next breath. This subtle but pervasive, underlying assumption most common to modernity, it seems to me, lends itself to such things as False Flag attacks like 9-11 and the Covid Hoax because our most basic human dignity of being in and of ourselves is subverted by outer and non human systems turning human beings naturally occurring as any creatures under the sun into slave-victims of The Machine.