Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Go Soul or God Home (Esoteric Essay)

You're running for your life – never mind why just play along – and you come to a crossroads and you don't know which way to go and your life may depend upon it and then you see in a house to the right at the doorway a wind chime just like the one your sister has in Seattle so you decide to turn right instead of left at this crossroads because you feel that The Universe is “telling” you to turn right because you always liked that wind chime … and this is the level of faith you have that The Universe is interacting with you constantly showing you the way in this world – yes? Who's with me?
Synchronicity is the traffic signal of The Universe. Depending upon context, a synchronicity can be red for Stop, green for Go or yellow for Caution. A dream becomes a meeting with The Universe to discuss life circumstances and to formulate some long term life strategy via highly creative and emotionally and spiritually based visualizations that when recalled and “translated” into left brain logic via the magic of words can center us as a soul here back onto the path of our highest good. Relationships of any kind are charged with profound significance and through the others we connect with in this world, The Universe showers us with meaning, love, art, humor, wisdom as well as direction and concern even support for our soul's well being and our soul's work here in this world. It seems this is an important point that The Universe supports our souls here not our ego. The closer we move from ego to soul, the clearer the street signs from The Universe become. At some best, one moves so close to their soul in this life that it could be said that they are “following their soul's path”.
So more mundanely, I look at my lost luggage that constituted my only possessions in life save a few items in my carry on luggage, at 48 pounds when checked at the airport, as a clear sign from The Universe to let go of “the baggage” in my life. By this I mean my own negative thoughts, fears based upon old paradigms, this kind of thing. But The Universe like any good artists speaks in the language of symbolism and losing ones life in the form of literally baggage hardly needs any translation, as it were. I think sometimes when we are NOT getting THE MESSAGE as was the case with me here, The Universe steps in eventually with a Karmic adjustment of its own.
I have a theory completely unfounded, of course, that The Universe always knocks three times. The first knock is a tap, easily missed.
Maybe a friend says, “hey you need to let go of that past BS, man” and you get it sure, that's true enough, I really should let go of all the past BS.
Then your father dies and again it hits you harder that this life really does have an expiration date and it's way past time to let go of the past and live for now. If that still fails to really sink in, The Universe knocks a third time and the third time is a lot harder because The Universe is singularly consumed with the edification of our soul and never gives up on us. Long after everyone else has given up on us, after we have given up on ourselves, The Universe is diligently and purposefully supporting our every moment.
The third knock out of loving concern, The Universe, never faint of heart, may burn down our home not long after our father has died, maybe we happen to lose your job at the same time, so everything we own is gone, our livelihood now is in jeopardy, our own dear father is gone all just so our soul may finally understand that we can stand in naked apprehension of life - remorselessly, fearlessly, passionately blossoming just like the Expansive Flower that we are.
Everything is perfectly out of control.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Rocketship

The Rocketship lies upon it's quiet side in the still dusk
The intricacies of its shape subdued by the gathering dark 
It's crash landing upon this new planet has gone unseen
Excess heat from reentry into the atmosphere steams off
Like so many wispy ghosts hissing softly up into the air 

No one cries out. No one bleeds. No one stares in wonder.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Into Light

Poem by David Sky

Bent forward 90 degrees
Head down, steadfast,
Turning into the storm
Like the turn of the leaves
To the oncoming winds

Heart, the flagship, as always
Fearlessly leading the way
Trusting the heart for it seems
The heart's the only part of me
That knows the way home -

“Storms don't last forever,”
Heart intones,
“And darkness turns eventually
Into light” ...