Saturday, January 27, 2018

Calling on Jupiter - Poem become Invocation

You come to me now Power I need you and you need Me
All Power you are Me and I am you we are one thing now
Jupiter, my Benefactor, come now in your full brightness
Slip in behind the long shadow of our old friend Saturn
Jupiter my love and Self come embrace me with open arms
Tolerant, Open, Inclusive, Expansive, Optimistic, Abundant

My Angels and guides, known and unknown, come to me now
Only in light, love, in service of my greatest good and purpose,
Grandma Angel I love you so much thank you for holding me
You Bards of the cosmic winds you come and speak through me
You know my intentions, you know my heart, you whisper to me
Sing to me now the songs I was born to sing, tell me your stories

Every dawn dawning from all pasts and futures you come to me
Every bird singing from all pasts and futures you come sing to me
Every mountain ever arisen from the crust of the earth arise now
Every sea and every ocean that’s ever been or will be you wash me
Every single stone great and small you preach to me now I’ll listen
You my Sun who is my Self as I am You all your light is mine now

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Poems Become Incantations: Divine Masculine Arise

Out of the depths be they darkness, water, memory or woe
Arise now like the sun arises from the dark horizon beyond
Pierce the thick forest canopy above where I walk this path
Your one solitary ray of light strike me upon my head full on
The Hermit, the magician, the hanged man in past position
Now full blown King of Cups illuminated by a noon day sun

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Humor - Help for that Restless Sleep Mind

For those who have trouble falling asleep because of a busy mind, I may have figured out something to help here. We have to zoom out a bit before zooming back in, though. Each day is a birth, a life and a death. With dawn the sun brings new life and then in light is the living of that day. At dusk, death comes, inevitable as death is, inevitable as the setting sun. (At night there is the whole complex process of regeneration leading to rebirth in the morning but not relevant here for our purposes although gives you an idea of what the mind goes through while we sleep, though) So the thing is that the mind knows all this while we kind of forget, you know, it's one of those many things that alludes in its profundity by its simplicity and repetition. Civilization if ten thousand years old still the mind essentially is millions of years old so it's just stubbornly old school when it comes to O so many things.
All to say that we have to really help the mind to understand that the dark that descends each evening and the sleep that comes thereafter is not death - it is that simple. The mind thinks its dying. Simple, not easy. If it were easy, the mind would get it after waking up "alive" say like me now 21, 215 times ... but no - go figure, right? Maybe some minds are more stubborn than others, I don't know. Anyway, this seems to have helped me but I had to take the time to reason with mind when it throws up things as I'm trying to sleep like, "what about the laundry?" (The laundry can wait) "O wait wait what about that one time ... at band camp - " (No mind we're not doing the band camp thing again that was funny the first 100 times though give you that) MIND YOUR NOT DYING I SWEAR to you and I explain the whole thing patiently and it works is all I can say.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

“The Sword”

(Intentional Personal Mythology)
by David Sky

I approach the waiting army alone my tattered white flag thrown casually over my shoulder. I am tired and the sword even sheaved feels almost too ponderous a weight to bare and each step forward is a trial of sorts or a test of my will for I am tired bone to soul, tired far deeper than any number of good nights rests could possibly assuage. I know that the voice who holds me up has told me that the only way out is through and I know that this voice is never wrong and I know that I am not through. A Sagittarius does not give up we try and we either succeed or we die trying, such is Jupiter manifesting in us. I did not want this fight and did not ask for this fight and prayed literally for years on end to God to let me beat this sword finally into a plowshare but the way of things is not up to me only how I choose to deal with the way of things is mine and is my free will in it – and I choose to fight, for better or worse. I am not brave and I am not confident but I do have implacable faith in that which is larger than I that holds me dear and protects me true.

The army before me is vast with the sun bright behind them so that I cannot really even see them when squinting glance up as I approach but I can see well enough that they are a legion against only my one. I had chosen to follow the mushroom path alone with few if anyone really understanding it for even for me the measure of what that means lies just below the threshold of articulation. I know the path without doubt when I see it – or feel it rather, to be more precise. The path is the flow of destiny and the feeling of stepping onto it is unmistakable just as if with eyes closed one steps into the shower it is so obviously the shower. It is this feeling that guides me for there exist no signposts on the ground delineating the mushroom path, no map symbolically representing it’s position in time and space, only my own heart feeling it’s way forward. Words in books are meaningless. The considered philosophies and pious religions of the world that so many hold dear mean no more to me than the sounds of the breezes rustling the leaves of the trees. Never sought but often given, the most thoughtful advice and or admonitions of others may well be appreciated for its intentions but yet is little value for the heart has no ears to hear and the heart knows the way and in fact is the only part of me that has any inkling as to our destination. It is nice, you know, like going on a cross country drive with a driver you trust completely so that you can really enjoy the journey fully. I follow my heart out of blind faith. My love for my heart is until death do us part. It is the best part of me hands down and so I made a decision to follow it until death of this physical body and so now if my heart leads me into battle than so be, weary as I may be, I will do the best I can as I always do. If my mind questions the heart’s decisions, as it is want to do, I tell it to be still, maybe encourage it to look out the windows at those pronghorns leaping twenty feet across the desert floor outside the window – isn’t that INCREDIBLE, mind, wow – look at that I wonder how they can leap so high and so far?

The only thing I have save the sanctity of my own soul is choice.

I stand before the general now and look up at him fully a foot taller than I, grizzled and impassive. He holds no more in the way of fear than do I, it is obvious looking up into his cold irisless black eyes his head framed by an aura of the afternoon sun behind him like a halo. It is really very beautiful, I think, in it's way. 

“Have you come to surrender” he asks impassively expecting the obvious answer just matter of fact taking care of a formality of business so he can get back to his plush tent and consider future engagements with actual armies.

“No,” I respond, “I have come to state my demands for your surrender”.

His offices I the front line begin to laugh and incredulity spreads into the second and third row who heard me and one says out loud, “this is preposterous” and another, “he’s utterly alone for God’s sake,” and another "'Our' Surrender, really!" -

The General’s voice brings them all to heel, “Silence!” And then he again addresses me condescending now, “Your demands, please continue?”.

“Everything. I want it all and your complete capitulation. I will not settle. I will not negotiate. So everything or we fight to the death - no quarter, no surrender,” looking up into those black, pitiless orbs of his that are looking down at me with a truly inscrutable expression that if in a better mood, I might find amusing but right this very moment just don’t really have it in me to care what the hell he is thinking. Generals are all psychopaths always ready to sacrifice their men for the greater good. I only risk my own life which is mine by divine right to risk. Right and wrong is seared into my soul so I have no need for the proclamations of kings or Emperors to direct me. I am a Sagittarius we are born knowing right from wrong so when we do wrong, there is never any excuse for it no matter if it is chiseled in stone as law for all to abide. 

“If you choose to die, so be it,” the General says dismissively.

“I choose not to die but rather not to die a living death so I choose to live, General. Tomorrow at dawn” I say over my shoulder already having turned away hoping not to pass out under the hot sun walking away. I seriously don’t know if I can make it all the way back to camp without falling over. My only prayer is for strength to follow my heart and so this I  pray. Once at camp, I collapse my sword down next to me on its quiet side. I do hope I can get a good night’s sleep, though. Tomorrow is gonna be interesting, I think, daunting a bit, my Heart, daunting even  …

Saturn's Come Home to Roost

God with the Saturn energy it's just a part of me now feels like not good or bad, not dark but heavy, somber, ponderous, man, ponderous. It feels like this is not a passing phase, not a brief transit, as it were. This is upon me now like age itself for the rest of my life. I see things so differently as if the whole world during these last few years heaved and folded transforming from this ephemeral, dreamlike thing I have known my whole life into now this solid place made of earth and stone and blood and bone and all governed by this slow but inexorable march of TIME.
I am dealing with this pernicious flu it's not helping so I'm dragging myself around and in line at the pharmacy looking at the old man in front of me not without compassion but in this Saturnine way and it's like I can FEEL how close he is to the end, like I can feel his heartbeat nearing its last beat and simultaneously feel my own relative measure of it all and in this new visceral way not in that clear but theoretical Scorpio measure of death and the end of the physical but in this cold, implacable, solid measure that Saturn takes of it all. Saturn does not simply THINK about the physical, it IS the physical. Saturn does not pontificate upon the end, it IS the end.
I am 58. My heart beats. It won't beat so much longer until I am exactly like this old man right here - not much longer at all. It is what it is, man. Carpe Diem is the only sane philosophy so that is still the same only now for me that is not just a meme, it's REAL, solid as a tombstone or the brass handles on a casket.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sideways, Existential Essay

Sideways - Existential Suggestions 
Essay by David Sky
You may be familiar with a term popularized by CIA tomfoolery, "Blowback" being the unintended, negative consequences of an "operation". A corollary, I Believe is, "Sideways" when an operation blows sideways. Now, Sideways is not necessarily a good thing but it is not necessarily a bad thing, either. And I am thinking of it not in terms of covertly overthrowing a sovereign nation but in more personal terms. Being blown sideways adds a strong element of randomness to life a bit that like recombinant DNA really tends to mix things up but good. You can find yourself blown out of your bailiwick or even out of your safety zone but seldom, perhaps surprisingly, out of your mind.
You dust yourself off after having been ejected Sidewise by The Universe, then you try to get your bearings. It's not unusual to have no idea where the hell you are, I've found, having been blown Sideways too damn many times to count. It helps to be inner directed because often also outward cues of social familiarity and comfort may be non existent. Due to a fluke of psychological predisposition, I find myself in maximum position to survive Sideways projections by The Universe mostly because I have never known where the hell I am in the first place and never felt like I belong here on this planet and some deep, uncompromising faith inside me has always known that the only home I will ever know is right here in my own heart center, like it or not.
What I would say then is roll with it when blown Sideways what the hell we're only souls experiencing a life dream so just hold on lightly but don't let go.

Work Life Blues

My editor called couple months ago from our home planet and said that he needed me to cover the presidential election cycle in the USA - after spewing coffee out my nose (hate it when that happens!) I said, "I'd rather blow a goat".
My editor responds dryly, "you use that phrase a lot".
I insist, "No way. No How. Never Happen. Don't know why you bothered to ask."
After a moments reflection, let me say that I'd rather blow my brains out than cover this earth farce that they most euphemistically call an election especially in the US of A, of all places. 
"Just ain't gonna happen, Boss."
Boss sighs knowing now that it ain't happening - "Listen," he says, "you're being an asshole because you know I can't afford to bring you back and replace you."
"Look," I assert, "I'm off to Fiji to interview Michael Franti as per our original contract to for me to cover earth music and art scene. The fact that you can't find anyone to cover this clusterfuck of the dominant nation state's election cycle is your problem, not mine, that's how I see it. Earth conditions require one to 'go with the flow' here, as they say. You would most definitely not understand. So that's what I'm gonna do".
"You are one sorry excuse for a journali - "
Damn, The 24 hour days here are just too short for that kind of negativity in my life, man. You know? I should add that the last three reporters who were assigned to cover the dominant nation's election cycle all threw themselves in front of a truck one after having gouged out his own eyes with his thumbs. While we are humanoid and and pass for humans on superficial examination, our tolerance threshold for BS is apparently set far below the level of you earth humans.