Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Humor - Help for that Restless Sleep Mind

For those who have trouble falling asleep because of a busy mind, I may have figured out something to help here. We have to zoom out a bit before zooming back in, though. Each day is a birth, a life and a death. With dawn the sun brings new life and then in light is the living of that day. At dusk, death comes, inevitable as death is, inevitable as the setting sun. (At night there is the whole complex process of regeneration leading to rebirth in the morning but not relevant here for our purposes although gives you an idea of what the mind goes through while we sleep, though) So the thing is that the mind knows all this while we kind of forget, you know, it's one of those many things that alludes in its profundity by its simplicity and repetition. Civilization if ten thousand years old still the mind essentially is millions of years old so it's just stubbornly old school when it comes to O so many things.
All to say that we have to really help the mind to understand that the dark that descends each evening and the sleep that comes thereafter is not death - it is that simple. The mind thinks its dying. Simple, not easy. If it were easy, the mind would get it after waking up "alive" say like me now 21, 215 times ... but no - go figure, right? Maybe some minds are more stubborn than others, I don't know. Anyway, this seems to have helped me but I had to take the time to reason with mind when it throws up things as I'm trying to sleep like, "what about the laundry?" (The laundry can wait) "O wait wait what about that one time ... at band camp - " (No mind we're not doing the band camp thing again that was funny the first 100 times though give you that) MIND YOUR NOT DYING I SWEAR to you and I explain the whole thing patiently and it works is all I can say.

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