Saturday, February 22, 2020

Believe in Your Heart - metaphysical essay

The average human heart weights in well under one pound, no bigger than your fist, it’s a baby, an infant, this helpless thing, non verbal but as precious as any new born infant you can fold into your chest ever so gently rocking and cooing the reassurances that the very best of humanity can bring to bear. The average beat the heart maintains from first breath to last is the metronome of the universe, make no mistake, not only pumping life’s blood through a hundred thousand miles of arteries, veins and capillaries, but pumping life through all of the vast universe itself – a miraculous and unfathomable thing, the heart. If you listen carefully, quietly, the heart does speak to you and with the exact same metronomic certainty with which it pumps life giving blood throughout the entire universe that is You.
“Everything will not be alright,” says the heart when you do listen, “everything already IS alright. Everything has always been alright,” the heart insists, over and over and over again, “and everything will always be alright – if you believe it”.
The heart finishes so lovingly, so wise for an infant, “and you get to choose what you believe, My Love", the heart assures you, beat after beat after beat - “so why not believe in me”.

Head vs Heart - Comedy

How fearless, how strong, how indomitable, how utterly dauntless is this heart of mine ...
"Raise every mast for full sail!" says Heart.
"Wait ... what! No!" Head is not happy, to say the least, "O man common this will NOT END WELL!!!"
It's okay, I try to reassure Head - you'd think I'd be better at it by now having had soo much practice -
But Head, as usual, is not having it, "But what if there's a storm, what if there are shoals, unforeseen obstacles and problems I mean this is the OCEAN and where the hell are those nautical maps, dammit man, we're in uncharted waters if we don't have nautical maps, for the love of God, Boss THINK about what Heart is DOING!!!"
Shush, Head, just look at the bright side, the sea air blowing our hair, breathe in the salt air isn't it amazing? Take a deep breath - O wow you can taste the salt water. Just breathe! Isn't it a Joy, a Gift to be alive!
"We're going for it" says Heart smiling, in his element now, "if it doesn't end well, this will just be the most perfect disaster EvEr and we'll call it a significant move in the right direction. We came here to ply the seas, right? So if we're not going to sail then what the hell is the point?".
Whoa, that's a long speech from Heart. I guess when you've been broken, battered and defeated in so many places and so many times that finally enough light gets in that you just aren't afraid of the darkness anymore?
Hear that, Head, that's Heart saying put up or shut up - now come on, we got work to do, Head - all hands on deck!

Friday, February 14, 2020

Valentine's Day Love Story

They turn off the lights. The bedroom is dark, still and silent except for their slight rustling settling on the bed before each other, knee to knee. Their hands reach out into the darkness interlocking fingers, each bowing slightly until their foreheads gently touch. Time ceases as breaths synchronize.
"Now?" She asks in the barest whisper
"Please, yes" he whispers back as if not to disturb the stillness enveloping them in this sanctuary.
With a reverence born of a deep and abiding love, respect and appreciation, she releases her long, thin fingers from their entwining with his own and as gently as a moth fanning a stone touches his face. She removes his mask and sets it aside so that it is lost in the darkness and says, "I love you", again, in that barest whisper that seems somehow not to disturb the silence enshrouding them.
He reciprocates now with equal reverence and gentleness reaching out to touch her face with the tips of his fingers, removing her mask and setting it aside as if into the oblivion of the darkness that surrounds them. "I love you" he whispers ever so softly and as his fingertips find the true flesh of her face with the slightest touch, hers find the true flesh of his face.
Like two blind lovers, they see each other with their fingertips, eyes closed, lips slightly parted, breathing becoming heavier, fingers slightly caressing closed eyelids, soft, moist lips, the fleshy lobes of the ear. When finally they do kiss, it starts curiously, uncertainly, with a sense of revelation for neither has kissed before without their mask on but quickly the kiss intensifies into a kind of fire like flame consuming flame and their bodies embrace in one long bodily conflagration of passion