Saturday, January 8, 2022

Transit Saturn Square Natal Venus

 Personal Astrology

My Experience & Interpretations:

In the dark heart of this one, you find yourself virtually invisible to the outer world. You could light yourself on fire and people would just say,
“OMG there’s someone on fire WTF!?”
“Who the fuck IS THAT!?”
“I have no idea other than someone on fire didn’t even realize anyone was standing there until I felt the heat, man”
So, yea, obviously don’t go setting yourself on fire because that never makes anything better. For me Saturn in 6th house square natal Venus in Scorpio in 3rd conjunct Neptune most significantly and the asteroid Dejanira by a degree sextile natal Saturn in Capricorn and a loose but significant square to natal Uranus in Leo the 12th house. It’s like Saturn Itself is in this two and a half year process of walking me through my 6th House or what I call my “Achilles Heel” or “Krptonite” depending on my mood but Aquarius. In my case, Saturn has seen fit to take hostage of all Venus energy that it could so of comfort, luxury, stability, abundance, attractiveness and Saturn has made it clear that during this long transit I’d say an influence a year or better, Saturn demands that I structure my 6th house (Virgo Ascendant) and attend to my daily routine and health and frankly, from my point of view, Saturn has been a real dick. There I said it, it had to be said.
But the overall effect is having the rug pulled out from under my feet such that at least in an emotional sense, I am force to be self contained and self sufficient and some element of almost forced self love through self care comes into play, I feel, on my part, much as I dislike Saturn, I do line up with the energy now always seems to end better that way. You want structure in daily routine, health and personal well being – OK Saturn, On it.
(You Dick)
Normally, this can be a year or so of much difficulty in relationships and for me this has very much been the case in general but, thank God, in specific, I am blessed with a great love that came in the midst of this energy. Venus is about Desire and Value by transit this to me always has to be kept strongly in mind. Like a change in our Belief System, a change in our Values System can be quick and life altering in nature. Saturn here tends to take Venus down to the nub with Venus in no make up, bad light, with little sleep and not frankly in the best of moods. Our Venus energy gets to suck its own marrow for a minute in our life and focus on what is important in terms of blood and bone and soul.
I like to follow Saturn transits by house and I feel that it is the best and quickest way for beginning or intermediate astrologers to get a deeper grasp upon their own or someone else’s chart and especially of overall themes and patterns. Two and a half years means at any point I look at a chart, it wouldn’t have been too long ago that Saturn had changed signs and houses and Saturn tends to leave a footprint.
(Bootprint more like it)
Talking to people if it is not myself is first just find the dates and ask people what was going on at this point and this point and give them time to search it out and then listen and seems to hone in on the life themes going on. Saturn don’t play It’s a Dick but still it’s always doing It’s job. Want to know what’s next, just look where Saturn’s going.

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