Why can't I achieve my goals, you may ask?
Well, would have to refer back to the paid section for this it's a long one so many possibilities here. Hint is go back to square one eliminating what we do not do well and maybe Goals are just not your thing? Bad Angel is all about getting out of the box and looking at things from the Hang Man position
So, to be sure, there are consequences to everything and consequences to not having goals but it can be done as yours truly has proven for 60 years now. Goals, born from Ambition, are highly overrated and likewise cause as many problems as they solve so if goals are not your thing, stop reading this

But IF you are interesting in achieving goals, the advise is start small. People start way too big with the goals - stop that shit. The prime advantage of achieving goals is the endorphin rush we get from our achievements, so keep the goals very simple and then when you achieve the goal, give yourself a preposterously large amount of self praise and I mean seriously here you can't go too far as praise along with gratitude are so very powerful.
I'll give an example:
Goal: I am going to make coffee and have a cup first thing this morning. I make the coffee then drink the coffee and feel and think and say out loud how very proud of myself I am for achieving this goal and how grateful I am for this wonderful coffee.
Given a little practice, in any given day, you can find yourself riding high on the rush of achievement from virtually dawn to dusk 

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