Monday, August 29, 2022

Pluto Transit Opposite Natal Moon: "Unbreakable"

Childhood "Issues" primarily of abandonment, proximity abandonment and physical and emotional neglect along with just being exposed to a highly toxic environment throughout childhood. I thought going into this, naively, "How bad can it be, my whole life has been a Pluto transit to the Moon, metaphorically speaking - this is my bailiwick. I got this". I had some sense that it would be about breaking the family curses, maybe like some advanced degree in breaking family curses.
I think that I mostly had it right only there is always that gulf between theory, no matter how good the theory may be, and reality. So here I am. Transits always stimulate what we have made over time of our natal energies, I remind myself. Pluto on the AC squaring Mercury and Mars for me and the likelihood that I would break someone's face again is extraordinarily low and has been for quite some time because I worked on that energy. But, alas, I am not Mother Theresa here. I just wiped three family members from my life and feel about a million percent better for it. No need to confront them, just a need to find peace within myself which is the core lesson of this transit, I am finding - a powerful and real self acceptance and peaceful core that will be if I survive it, unbreakable.
It comes at a cost and going back to the core of the Pluto energy that this transit addresses energetically, Pluto on the IC is ruthless self preservation: The Survivor.
Not much for bubble gum, rainbows and light astrology and am becoming comfortable with that as well. A lot of what is passing for New Age wisdom is old ass mental illness and projection of unresolved trauma from childhood abuse, the epidemic of epidemics. I do not wish to be a part of anything that is not genuine bone to soul. Sometimes Pluto portends death, horrible death possibly. This is part of life, unfortunately. I have seen it too many times. Astrology is just life, all of life, the good, the bad and the ugly.

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