Sunday, August 21, 2022

Pluto as the Key Evolutionary Astrology: Tool My Mother's Death Seen In My Chart

So looking at Pluto for myself since I am experiencing a Pluto opposition to natal moon this year its most intensive hits and thought to look at when it had hit my 4th house cusp. To illustrate for those who might be beginners, an easy way is to use the Cafe Astrology Ephemeris that is very user friendly, I think. To get in the ballpark if you do not have more advanced software, say using Astro, simply google when did Pluto enter whatever sign you are dealing with and estimate and then use the ephemeris to nail exact aspects. This little exercise alone gives us a great sense of how slow Pluto really is and perhaps this also helps us to get a real big picture overview of soul's purpose always keeping in mind that our natal chart is no accident but a starmap of our Soul's reason/s for incarnation.
Depending of course with Pluto where it is in natal and your age now, in terms of Evolutionary Astrology, almost a first step after examining the ramifications of that natal position is to then look first at all of the significant transits that Pluto has made during our life first by conjunction to angles then personal planets and Sun and Moon, of course.
Pluto is kind of the Sun of our Soul in Evolutionary Astrology in a way so if it does not make a conjunction, then it will make significant major aspect to those angles, luminaries and planets and interpretations can be had via google or youtube that can aid in intuiting what we are seeing. It is not so daunting as it may seem and you can spend as much time or as little as you want in this exercise that in guaranteed to reap great reward in personal insight into our soul's processes, I feel.
I had some general sense that Pluto had hit my IC around the time that my mother had passed in 1997 but was a bit surprised that at the exact time of her passing Pluto was 2 degrees past the IC and exactly within only minutes of orb on my Sagittarius Mercury that is in my 4th house and a two degree orb conjunct the IC and forming a 1 degree orb square to both Pluto in natal and my AC as Pluto is in the 12th for me only minutes off my AC.
Of course, much else to consider but it is all there in whatever transit chart of significance that we may be looking at - pay close attention to the other outer planets especially any aspect to natal or transit Pluto in this exercise and especially consider the house ramifications of it all. But the fact that my mother's death is dead on my chart ruler such as it is at the very time is among many things a real comformation of the power and significance of astrology in our lives.
Evolutionary Astrology lends itself well to more generalized observations that can yield profound insights relying as it does upon archetypes, using wide orbs with an emphasis upon house and sign placements. From this we can drill down endlessly into more and more detail bringing in the personal planets and their kinetic relationship to say Pluto transit to natal moon that can go on for years.

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