I like to wear sunglasses with UV protection when time traveling but it's not absolutely necessary. I like especially to time travel in the out of doors. Time is a lie told to innocent children by consciousness yet in this physical world where we are now in our DNA Machine Bodies, it is real enough.
"All is illusion, nothing is real, is it not so!" demands the Zen Master of the student.
"Absolutely," said the student confidently.
The Zen Master cracks the student sharply over his head with his Kyosaku stick.
So at once time is a lie and real enough such is the cognitive dissonance that is our lot while traveling in these DNA Machine Bodies. From my own experience outside of this body/soul vehicle in my eternal self there was no time only newness. But that being the case, I think of the debate about whether or not time travel is possible usually proposed via some type of technology often said to require fantastic amounts of power. I don't know about that my mind is not very good but it seems plausible enough since time travel is obviously possible we're doing it right now -
So all that science would need to do is speed it up? Or, we can just wait until we die and return to our higher self and the timelessness of eternity which is not a very long length of time but no time.
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