Saturday, March 10, 2018


(Dream Pad - it works if you work it. Why I keep it next to the bed wake up jot down a shorthand of what I got in a dream then that jogs the whole dream back in the morning when I wake up or else I don't recall anything at all if I don't jot down something)
Poem by David Sky
A fire in the sky
A charge on the air
Positive male energy
A screaming lightening bolt
Seeking to ground out in earth
Mind goes back, that’s fear
Mind goes forward, that’s anxiety
Breathing in, breathing out
Back, fear; forward, anxiety
Breathing in, breathing out
Faster and faster, back, forward
Faster and faster, fear, anxiety
Breathing in, Breathing out
Just the mind lost on the air
A fiery charge of masculine energy
Faster and faster and faster and faster
Back fear forward anxiety back fear forward anxiety
Back forward back forward back forward -
The lightening bolt hits its negative ground
The earth: Great-Gaian-Mother-of-us-All
It’s like snapping awake from a black sleep
Here and now, centered, balanced, whole,
Breathing in, breathing out, in, out, in, out
Everything the same, everything different,
It’s always through the belly of the thing -
Not over, under, or around but through it
“Where am I? I ask
“Home,” she says.
Thank You, whew, finally ...

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