Friday, November 25, 2016

Extremely Short Story, A Field Trip!

A drone from an alien race far, far away comes across earth and does it's job reconnoitering the third planet from this galaxy's sun finding it to be barren of any lifeforms whatsoever. In nearby galaxy where the aliens have a science station, one of their astro-archaeologists gets the transmission from the drone that includes among other information a photograph of Mount Rushmore.
She shares the photo of Mount Rushmore with her co worker and asks, “from that dead Galaxy XW42753, this the third planet from the sun, what do you think?”
After a moment, the co worker responds, “clearly wasn't always dead and if any of them were to have had life, likely would have been this one - vaguely humanoid. I say you and I go take a look, get the hell out of here," smiling broadly. "Wholly unnecessary but who doesn't love a field trip!”
“By the scale of what we have here, obviously going to be another case of a high tech self destruction pretty much the same developmental place as usual, guessing … but, I agree let's get the hell out of here!” She, also smiling broadly.
It was a true miracle that never ceased to astound her that their people had somehow made it past this extinction zone in sentient, planetary evolution. Anyway, she could only agree - who doesn't love a field trip.

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