Tuesday, December 13, 2016

God thinking about creation

So where to start, you know, when there's no time or sequence … no syncopation ? That didn't take much thought, I simply created time for them within their own minds to give some cadence to their expressions. It's an artificial construct depending upon ones point of view but really what is artificial in this game? Time just makes it easier for them to play along. One concept often bantered about is, “Reality” with serious, even grave, inquiry and debate given to whether or not this or that is “real” or not. It amuses me to no end and I get caught up in it myself sometimes makes me laugh and laugh as if anything that IS could be not real!?
So I put into play as many independent operators as I can with numbers approaching let's just say the infinite here, for sake of discussion. Then I sit back, as it were, and watch the show. Sentient beings with free will put on one hell of a good show. Believe it! The things they come up with I tell you it's mind boggling. There is earth, a small planet with only seven billion of them, as a prime example. I heard one say the other day that, “if you put a million monkeys in a million rooms with a million separate typewriters after a million years one of them will write out an entire Shakespearean play by pure, random chance” and I thought yes there you go! That's the spirit of it right there!
And to the point, language is one of the things they came up with that really wows me. Reading and writing. There's nothing more touching than a great poem. And music this is quite a gift O my goodness yes absolutely worth the whole experiment itself just for this music alone. While some of the things they come up with are fascinating in the macabre like Satanic, live sacrifice - I mean seriously who would have ever thought of such a thing!? - to hear them sing love songs accompanied by this music they created expressing their heart felt love for each other now there is something that brings a smile to my face and puts a bounce in my step every single time! It would be most insincere of me if I said that I were not a bit proud of my grand experiment in creation. I literally never know what they are going to come up with next – it makes me giggle like a little child happily surprised! It's wonderful!

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