Sunday, June 10, 2018

"Now Is Dynamic" Metaphysical Essay

June 2018 and the skies are not on fire so I'll give thanks for that and while there are no jetpacks a fact over which we all of a certain age hold inside of us a smoldering resentment that if brought up to the level of a thought might be, "I was promised jetpacks dammit man promised and where the hell are the jetpacks? I'm not really seeing it and I'm not happy about it". Still there is much to be grateful for just as a species that we are even still here. I think we humans should carpe diem really will be a full blown miracle if we don't self destruct so each day is a gift. Tell the people we love we love them, forget bucket lists there's no future do it now. Now is the fulcrum of time lean into it and now becomes the way, the soul's path, that roaring torrent of the winds of the Tao. When I realized that eternity is not a very long length of time but is the absence of time, I feel like "Now" made more sense how counter-intuitively stepping fully into now somehow is like stepping into a stream so is movement and there is a back and a forward and a constant flow my thought comes to mind that the river is itself around every single bend so "Now" is not static more to the point, Now is dynamic

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