Well, Thank you, Bob, and I assure you that my schedule is not crazy at all. No time for me, being God and all - in fact, you could say that I have all the time in the world. (Laughter)
Of course, I stand corrected. And time brings me to my main question today which is what’s the truth behind ... this ... you know, earth ... the whole enchilada, God - what’s it all about?
O boy, the Big One - no surprise, I suppose, that I get this one a lot a Bob. First of all, I’d say you have to forget everything that you think you might know about reality -
Excuse me, God, for interrupting but just for clarity sake, would that include “forgetting” religion?
I’m going to shock you here, Bob, and say most especially that means forgetting religion. You want straight up, right?
Absolutely, God, we're all about The Straight Up Truth here - please continue.
Let’s say that the only thing in general that you have in your human traditions that is “true” is that you are each an eternal spirit. You seem to grasp at some level the essential spiritual nature of reality itself - but this is so far as most of humanity has penetrated into the truth, Bob. You will have to indulge my pride in all this since it was of course all my idea - or, as you people say, “All me”. (Laughter)
You have a great sense of humor, God.
Thank you, Bob - again, have to toot my own horn here since I created “sense of humor”. (More laughter) But seriously, to get back to raison d'ĂȘtre, I guess you have to kind of look at it from my point of view. In all of eternity, you literally could not begin to imagine the things that I have done, Bob. I get a little buggy now and again, you know? Hard to explain except to say that there is a whole lot more to ... everything ... to eternity ... than we could possibly touch on a radio show - no disrespect, Bob -
None taken, God - please do continue.
Yes, anyway, in this case - in your case, as it were, I wanted to create a kind of honey pot for eternal spirits that would trap them - well, you - in a cycle of birth and rebirth in this physical universe that you perceive as “everything” - what, Bob, what is that look on your face?
How do you know what my face looks like, we’re on Radio?
Sighs heavily, Bob, I’m God for Gods Sake - of course I see that look on your face - don’t judge, Bob, don’t judge, that’s just not cool. You don’t even know where I’m going with this -
Sorry, God, did not mean to interrupt, just a little startling this concept of eternal souls being trapped? I mean, to what ends?
Well, Bob, do you want the “straight up” truth or not?
No - I mean, yes, of course, the straight up truth, God - that’s what we’re here for. Sorry to interrupt again.
No need to apologize, Bob. Just want to clear up this erroneous concept that I am a judgmental God nothing could be further from the “straight up truth”. Anyway, back to what I had in mind with you. Your Universe. To some degree you yourself choose this place but in all fairness perhaps only in the sense that a moth chooses the flame. Hard again to articulate this in your language but to you in your non earthly eternal form, you simply find this place most intriguing. This is by my design, I might add - again not without pride of creation. Now my experiment in all this was to create an existence that would be virtually the opposite of what is existence is for you - your eternal self - by which I mean an existence characterized by transience, separateness, violence, physicality, pain, loss, anger, hate, greed, lust ... well ... and so on ... Bob, you are judging again. I’m God, remember, I can tell. What?
God, believe me, I’m trying not judge but I’m a little startled by all this, a little stunned? What about Buddha?
What about Buddha, Bob? I told you that it’s not about any of that stuff you people made up.
Then what about Love?
What’s love got to do with it, Bob?
Seriously? God just said, “What’s Love Got to Do with It”?
Bob, you are love. You are perfect. You are ecstasy. You were never born. You will never die. You have no mother. No father. You are eternal and until you came here you never knew pain, loss, beginning, end, hate, envy - that’s all me, Bob, I made this place the opposite of what you are so that you could become something even MORE.
God, Why - why on earth would you do such a thing? I mean why take away … ecstasy?
Why not, Bob? I do not expect you to understand other than to say to you that in all of eternity - WHY NOT?