Saturday, January 9, 2021

First Contact with self identified, New Creature February 2007

I hadn't slept for four nights laying quiet on my back from 3AM to 6AM awake in the dark breathing deeply and trying not to think. I knew that I had been thrown into a manic state by the high dose of psilocybin that I had taken for with healing intention. I had to go to work twelve hour, very stressful hours at a job that hurt my soul the whole time trying to act normal and hoping that I had not broke my brain with mushrooms, swear to God. On day four no sleep sitting at tabletop computer in our  study with head in hands thinking forlornly, "what the hell is going on did I seriously break my brain" always with a mustard seed of humor if not faith when I had a thought enter my head that instantly and startlingly and obviously was not my own thought in answer to the forlorn question: "I am the New Creature. I am here to save the Biosphere." and this snaps me awake but oddly, that night I slept, as if some inner tension were relieved. I slept well. 

When I awoke, I discovered that there was what I could only then describe as an "entity" sharing space in my head and I admit it, why not,  I couldn't help but think of it initially as, "a mushroom and this entity was interacting with my own thoughts from then, beginning of March 2007 to June 12th 2007 when the New Creature said, "You are done now" and with that thought came the most wonderful, oceanic feeling of bliss like a hug from God I describe it corny as hell that may be and I knew immediately that the "voice phenomenon" as I had come to see it, partly as a means of integrating it into my existence not knowing until June 12th if this voice phenomenon would be permanent or not, and certainly with no one to consult and yes tried it with a psychiatrist a hilarious enough story in itself were it not happening to me. I listened to my own mind then for a good hour before allowing myself to believe that the new creature was gone and I felt for good because it had said, "You are done now". I took it as some kind of enlightenment, embarrassing fun fact, but in my defense, it was a momentous thing, the seminal event of my life, I'd say. Changed everything. I was pretty quickly disillusioned of that notion. 

It was obvious that this was not my own mind because well I know my mind but if anyone knows me they know that I am anything but succinct and the entity's thoughts were always succinct, matter of fact, direct and always positive and encouraging and wise and loving and kind so it is very hard to convey to the world the benevolence and I well know the preconceived notions of people hearing voices. I can't say that knew what was going on exactly but I did have the good horse sense to write a lot of it down. 

A week into the experience in March, I found a book in Border's Book Store Fairfax City by a Daniel B. Smith, "Muses, Madmen and Prophets". I read through much of it on the floor of the aisle engrossed thinking once, "OMG but these people are clearly insane!" and leaving with the book clutched to my chest laughing at my own irony and the book felt like the precious embodiment of understanding and reason to me. It was a crazy period and this book helped me integrate the experience even though it did not directly address my own experience with "voice hearing", it helped a lot. It takes a scholarly approach and felt validating and grounding, I guess is the word. While 99 percent of the constant interaction within my own mind with this new creature was deeply personal in nature, healing and transformative, but on a few occasions, it seemed, Global: "If you connect the mind of man to the mind of a machine before connecting the mind of man to the mind of a plant, the biosphere is doomed" also the lengthiest sentence ever employed this is on record - my own sentences can go on for a paragraph, easy. Here I knew that the machine was some advanced tech that was cyborg in nature and that what was meant that if humankind does not attend to our soul, the plant connection, and then embraces exponential enhancements to our intellect suddenly via cybernetic means of whatever kind, this would lead to an imbalance and self destruction. 

I hope that The New Creature is out there somewhere, somehow, aiding in the preservation of our biosphere. The New Creature also said, "Everything that ever was, ever will be or is right now,

is perfect" and that, "Love is the only power that you possess" among the most memorable global statements. 

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