Thursday, January 7, 2021

New Creature 1/7/21

The New Creature

"Politics is the entrainment division of the New World Order. What we see happening that so many find such passion for that they would die or kill for it is all meaningless, not real, meant to distract the masses and it never fails like dangling a jangly key chain in front of a crying baby. Your partisan politics is truly a Theatre of the Absurd. You can do this for the next million years and nothing will change. The Reptilian Overloads would be very pleased with this maintenance of the status quo dining as they have and do upon the pain, anger, hate, resentment, despair and fear - especially your Fear which they relish like Lobster in drawn butter they licking it appreciatively and sensually from their long, clawed fingertips.
If you do not believe that there is more, much more, going on behind the scenes of these ridiculous puppets that you see as our "Democratically Elected Leaders," then continue shaking your tiny, human fists at the right or the left, the liberals or republicans, for if nothing else, it gives you something to focus upon other than the terminally sad fact that you're simply tossing about the bones of your dying world instead of doing anything to heal it."

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