Monday, July 18, 2022

Get Off Your Knees and Roar! Essay

 I have to say not to make light at all of feminism but goddamn man not only the roe v wade fiasco but just the overall tone of western culture et all with young women cravenly seeking attention by literally displaying their bodies like birds (and it is the male bird who displays not the female) with no other pretense like any display of talent or anything other than literally jiggling their bodies for attention of males essentially.

Please understand divine feminine that men, the divine masculine, are not the problem here and that we are all being massively controlled, propagandized and gaslighted by a an evil that defies human comprehension. It is our humanity itself that is under assault not our genders.

Those women who support the right to choose, do you now understand why some of us, males and females, have rejected forced vaccinations and are appalled by the totalitarian tactics taken around the world that really and truly are based upon a false science and why it is absolutely unequivocally evil for any governing entity anywhere to force anything upon a humans body, that this is sacrosanct or damn well should be.

If you are pro life, say, do you not comprehend that if a government can force you to not have an abortion, then a succeeding government can come along and force you to have an abortion? We must have moral absolutes and values and one that damn well should be absolute is the sanctity of our own bodies.

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