Saturday, July 23, 2022

Progressed Scorpio Moon Conjunct Natal Venus - Personal Astrology by David Sky

First of all, a Scorpio Progressed Moon is generally seen as a challenging transit lasting about two and a half years. The essential dignity of the Moon is at fall in Scorpio, the worst sign energetically for our Moon and that just means that what the moon represents, the mind, that larger part of our mind, the unconscious mind and our emotions, our sense of security and safety and classically, Mother, Home and Family also applying to the 4th House in our natal charts is not happy in Scorpio. As an astrologer, never have worked with anyone who has Scorpio ruling their 4th house (Leo Rising in natal) who did not have a challenging childhood characterized by abuse, physical or verbal or both or worse. Another thing that makes this transit a challenging aspect is that it is strongly associated with emotional transformation that while ultimately can be liberating at the highest octave, can also bring in those darker characteristics mentioned above and/or trigger any unresolved emotional issues that may yet be hiding beneath the surface of our lives.

Our Moon energy generally wants whatever it takes to find us in a peaceful state feeling secure and safe. The good news here is that the Moon and Venus, the two most feminine energies in our charts, are quite compatible. With Scorpio, however, this can be difficult because even if outwardly we may find ourselves in a position that is ostensibly quite safe and secure, the influence of a Scorpio progressed Moon, mitigated greatly by its aspect to our natal positions and our overall emotional structure, can create insecurity internally without the input of any outside influence at all. Progressed energy is subtle and even more so with the Moon such that it is a deep, underlying influence that may well go unnoticed dependent upon one's own sensitivity. At the beginning of such a transit, having just left Libra, mind you, we may find ourselves experiencing some outward manifestation of this transit seen in and around whatever house the transit is hitting.
I think the most important point with any transit is that the transiting planet “triggers” whatever energy it is aspecting in our natal chart - and more to the point, the transiting planet triggers “what we have made of this energy in our natal charts” since as we live, and thanks to free will, which is everything, this energy is always dynamic and never static something that makes astrology such a meaningful challenge to tackle and why, perhaps, one person may experience this transit quite differently than another. Each planet can express on a spectrum energetically say from a lower to higher octave, often something hard to ascertain from the chart, at least for me at my level of astrological understanding. I do not like to assume and find it best to spend some time in interview to ask some pointed questions and allow reality – as opposed to the map of reality that is astrolgy – to inform me to some meaningful degree.
For myself, natal Venus is conjunct Neptune in the third house of Scorpio and the house ruler, Pluto, sits on my ascendant within only minutes of orb and is sextile to that Neptune/Venus. Saturn is a close trine to Pluto and also sextile to Neptune/Venus. Today, the progressed moon has cleared by half a degree and the energy is already dissipating for me but it has been a feeling of “psychic attack” with a good measure of paranoia and the dredging up of deep seated issues around low self esteem – note that Venus also can be about our self esteem – and also insecurity within my relationship that is quite secure and even thought well aware of this dynamic, it has gotten to me at times. One that that has surprised me is how much this has been about money and finances, something else Venus rules along with relationships and romantic love. I think that my issues around self esteem and how I look that is something typically I pay very little attention to throughout my life has to do with the sextile to the Ascendant encouraging me to pay more attention to how the way that I present myself impacts those who I interact with, publically and privately.
I am by nature mostly an internal creature and while you would think that this transit would be solely about that, what has surprised me is how much it is been about the external. Venus is surface oriented and this fact is again why it is not happy in Scorpio that is about all that hidden and occulted of which, in general, Venus wants absolutely nothing to do with – Libra, where the Moon was before this transit, is also surface oriented and similarly has no love for Scorpionic occultism and unconscious shadow work. Lastly, for myself, as the progressed moon clears my Venus, Uranus now well clears its opposition to my Venus as Saturn is clear of its square to my Venus and while I face many challenging aspects elsewhere, relationship issues are the bright spot in my life and set now to only improve. For this, I am most grateful since it allows me to focus upon health and wealth now.

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