Wednesday, February 1, 2012

An Asshole’s View of a Shitty Situation

So many homeless now a trip into the city for the doctor the other day struck me sitting at a red light like one of those Zombie flicks that are as popular as ever. You know, that hang dog, shuffle-walk, if they’re up an walking at all? Mostly sitting or lying around, hood drawn up over their heads as if its part of a god damn uniform, filthy, downtrodden, forlorn. Poor fucking bastards, I thought, watching them out the windows, more common than trees in Santa Fe and multiplying, that’s for sure. America? Hard to believe but no, I hadn’t wandered onto the set of the latest big budget Zombie movie with hordes of extras enjoying a lunch break. It’s just the way America is now, I reckon?

Won’t be long now before they start to roundin these sad sacks up and shuttlin them off to one of them FEMA camps - or worse. Nothing would fucking surprise me anymore. Hell, nothing much here even appalls me anymore? I admit to feeling some sense of relief as I swing the old Pruis onto my dirt driveway that leads to the old homestead. At seventy nine, what could I do? I’m just trying now to wake up above ground in the morning. Anyway, I didn’t vote for Reagan and the last chance we had was back in 2012, maybe, before the election. I remember feeling a shred of hope back in the summer of 2012 but the people fizzled again under an onslaught of disinformation, distraction and fear, the modern cocktail for creating bonified Zombies.

That summer was the last time I felt any hope for our girl, America.  


  1. A well-visualized dystopia. Cautionary without garrulity. Well done. There's hope and choice in that. Not often I see such mastery of vignette.

    1. thanks Geo, good to see someone is paying attention
