Friday, February 3, 2012

David Sky - "The Truth is Out There"

Okay, here I am on the hairy ass cheek of let’s just say one of America’s most renown or notorious Republican ex-vice presidents depending upon your political persuasions. I am here today to speak with some of the fleas upon his hairy ass. I told you before that David Sky will go anywhere to get to the truth. Sure, it’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

These fleas, as you shall see, have an intimate and uniquely honest perspective on this guy’s ass!

I shake one of the fleas many little hands - thank you for the interview, Flea. Let me first ask you what you think you can tell the American people about (Blank)?

Aw, hell - I can tell them about anything - I can tell them anything I want to tell them, but frankly, what’s in it for me, pal?

Tough little bastard, should have figured, right? What’s in it for you, I wondered out loud, stalling - okay, I give up, Flea, what do you want?

Without hesitation the flea said, a flake of your dead skin cells would work for me. Make it all nice and cozy, right, like what’s your phrase, “breaking bread together”?

Sure, sure, I agree readily, but you go ahead Flea, I’m dying of thirst here and a little hungry but I can’t imagine eating or drinking anything what with that SMELL.

Understood, the flea says - no offense taken. You get used to anything if you have to, right? Now, the flea kind of leaned in and looked around nervously, You probably want to know about 9-11, right - he winked at me.

Well, I began, not so much. He was involved and all, got that, Flea.

Okay, what then Smart Guy? Wanna know about the hobos, I bet, right?

The hobos, I again repeat. I sort of do want to know about the hobos? I mean, who wouldn't want to know about the hobos - but I say instead, No, not the hobos, Flea.

Jeeze, the Flea, swore, what are you one of them investigative journalist, what then, the fake alien attack, the bases on the moon, on mars -
Wait - aliens? ... bases on the moon? Whoa, I cry. I think maybe I really don’t want to know about that, Flea.

What are you doing here, kid, ya trawling for a Pulitzer or somethin?

What I want to know about, Flea, is the middle east, Jerusalem - what the hell is that stuff all about?

OMG, the Flea exclaimed - you’re one of those Conspiracy Nuts, now I see. Look kid, all that is just about the oil. People figured that out decades ago, where the hell have you been?

I knew I shouldn’t have said it but for some reason I said, “wow, so even you, a flea on his fucking hairy ass is “In On It”. And then, more to myself, hanging my head a little - just gets worse and worse.

Hey, the Flea said - You just accused a Flea of being in on a conspiracy - in what universe is that sane? You're losin it, kid.                 

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