Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Astral Train Arrives: Manifestation

The dove does sit and coo softly in the afternoon
Under the auspices of an overarching shade tree
Sitting still and true my heart beating quietly now
The past and future they are such disheveled things
The headlong rushing search flying off and away
That fantastical forward momentum so long built
Flung off of me and away into some other place
As the train commandeered comes instantly to ease
Who cares where or why and the stars be damned
That energy stolen from the sun served me well
I have no regrets for all is fair in love and in war -
I know to whom and to what to be grateful now:
Thanks to our angels and guides and God above


  1. Out, damn star! Out!
    My cup runneth over.

  2. And you totally get it wow my cup runneth over aka Ace of Cups LOL
