Thursday, July 29, 2021

Adam & Eve - a love story

 Adam & Eve - short fiction by David Sky

Sitting on top of his narrow hips sideways on the bed breathing heavy. Wow. My first time cumming with intercourse. Damn, I had thought it was impossible? He rolled over and I mounted him in one motion the power of his body fluid like a powerful stream of water, maybe? He said that he likes me on the top and now I think that I like me on the top, too. I can see myself in the mirror since we're sideways on the bed, my neck, throat and chest still flushed red. I run my right hand lightly across the top of my chest. I think that I am beautiful like this. I feel beautiful. It is an odd feeling for me. I cannot recall ever feeling beautiful like this before? Adam's head is to the side, eyes closed, big grin, also breathing heavy. As I let go of his wrists, his hands move up firmly, almost kneading, caressing my thighs, my hips. His hands feel so good that I almost cannot stand it. He is so big but not bulky big, lupine big, maybe, yes, like a big, powerful, friendly wolf. He is still hard underneath me. Eyes closed. I think a little wildly that our first time here is the best time ever for me?
Hell, Eve, hell yes the best.
I slap him pretty hard on the right side of his face. Not thinking about it, you know. In the moment. I want to go again. Hell, maybe cum again. It feels crazy good to me. Crazy right.
Adam leaps up throwing me backward off of the other side of the bed, rising and throwing me off in a single explosive motion, like the powerful stream of water again? It happens too fast to scream.
What the fuck was that, Eve! He says angrily but not yelling. His voice is strange. Controlled kind of, not yelling exactly, but very angry sounding?
His voice, I don't know … suddenly I feel as if he is here with me in some way that he wasn't a moment before but I cannot say that I even know what I mean by that? I am surprised that nothing hurts.
He walks off to the bathroom running his long fingers through his thick, jet black hair without another word.
I don't know, I say, I was so turned on, Adam. I – but he closes the bathroom door. I don't think he heard me even. I grab a pair of sweats and a T shirt, first things I can lay my hands on. I have done something really wrong, I think. I feel like I am breaking up into a thousand tiny pieces of me.
What have I done. I am almost crying shaking my head up and down, moving toward the closed bathroom door, wondering really what did I do? I don't or can't understand what just happened? I break into tears feeling like a goddamn fool. Now I am outside the bathroom door waiting for him like some dog or something. I mean, what the hell? Like I am not even myself any longer. Not the big strong girl that I know I am? A memory flashes of running through my Grandma's house with my brother, knocking over a vase containing Granddad’s ashes. A crash as the ceramic vase smashes into a thousand pieces and the dull thud of its heaviness and then those ashes cascading across the floor.
Cascading across the floor … what have I done? Something irrevocable?
I hate standing outside the door like some pathetic loser but I cannot help myself. Adam flushes the toilet inside. I don't dare open the door but I can only just resist doing so. He runs water now. OMG, and he washes his hands, too? He breaks my heart, Adam does. I think again, what have I done? I sob harder now. Eve, you've broken something good, something new. Eve, you have fucked up badly here.
He opens the door, hair somewhat less disheveled. Hazel eyes smiling. Adam is smiling? I cannot stop crying but I am trying so hard to stop that it is like my face has stopped but my body is wracked by the effort almost in convulsions. He puts a finger to my lips, both, long arms around me then, pulling me into his chest. I bury my head in his chest like a child and just like with that goddamn vase, I blubber – I'm sorry, so sorry … Adam, I didn't mean to break anything … anything between us ...
He kisses me tenderly on the top of my head, his big hands rubbing my back, hugging me into him firmly yet as tenderly as I have ever felt the touch of a man in my whole life. He keeps kissing me over and over right on the top of my head and it feels … it feels perfect. Very slowly rocking back and forth. I really don't understand this? My mind reels with the not understanding of what is happening here – he was so angry? I stop crying. He is still holding me tightly, rocking me, my face pressed against his warm chest.
I'm sorry that I yelled like that and threw you off of the bed, Eve. I'm so sorry that you are so upset. You are trembling. Still tight against his chest, Adam speaking softly into the top of my head. Rubbing my back underneath my T Shirt with his big hands, long lupine fingers, in this perfect way. It is like we are slow dancing in Junior High, maybe.
It is confusing as hell.
But you can't surprise me like that, he says into the top of my head. I don't want to ever tell you all the things … the things … but you should never surprise me, even for a joke, kidding around. And that was uncool to slap me like that. I've been hurt plenty and I sure don't want you to hurt me -
So you are not angry, I ask, pulling back, looking up into his perfect hazel eyes. So confused now but my heart has stopped trying to pound its way out of my chest.
No, Eve. I was angry, very angry. I think I let you know that? I just am apologizing for freaking out like that and throwing you off of the bed like that. Your okay, right?
I'm okay, I say. But it is a lie. My mind is not okay, for sure. But you WERE angry? I ask tentatively.
Yeah, I was angry, Eve. Makes me angry when some beautiful and perfect woman slaps the shit out of me for no apparent reason. Took me by surprise. That's all. He holds me at arms length by my shoulders now, looking at me with those eyes, looking into me, like he is really into me. I just don't understand, this, I think? I don't understand is all?
But you're not angry with me any longer?
No, Eve. Not at all. I was angry. Now I'm not. Now I feel so sorry for upsetting you like this. For overreacting like I did. I feel a little embarrassed, too. As if he could see that I still did not understand, continuing - It's a little thing, Eve, you didn't mean to surprise me and I didn't mean to throw you off of the bed. He laughs, deeply, easily. He just laughs and even the way that Adam laughs is in this perfect way?
He is still naked and this makes it more confusing. Such a beautiful body but so many scars? But Adam, when we were making love and I said, “I want to hurt you” then you said, “hurt me, Eve, if you want, hurt me” … I guess, I just don't understand what I did wrong?
Okay, okay, he says. So a misunderstanding all around. We're okay, though. I meant what I said because I was – hell, I am – so into you, see. So turned on to you. But that permission was not for afterward. I guess I should not have assumed that this was understood between us. I'm sorry for that, too, then. I was caught up in the moment, maybe, like you were caught up in the moment?
Just like that, Adam?
Why not? We're new at each other. On the learning curve still. Learning is all. I'm sorry. You're sorry. Now we know a little more about each other. We're a little closer, maybe, yes? We were both caught up in a moment that got a little out of hand?
I still don't quite understand. I guess I don't understand you, Adam? So, I still have something to be sorry about then. I mean, I did something wrong, then?
He sighs heavily. Not an aggressive sigh but like he is having difficulty expressing something difficult to express? Look, Eve, you could have smacked the shit out of me BEFORE, right? Not after. Just to be clear, I'm not into being slapped but I'm definitely into being slapped by you. I'm finding myself very much into you, Eve. Very much. I mean, you could have slapped the shit out of me and I'm certain I would have dug it to the max, see? There's no doubt, actually. I seriously don't think I would say that to any other woman I have ever been with -
Suddenly I Got It but I couldn't say how so exactly if I had a million years to try. I kiss him deeply. It feels like the most amazing kiss of my life. I'm not kidding around here!
Go lie down, I tell him, and I'll be right there after I get out of the bathroom. He obeys me happily, eagerly, Adam does. I think, “I might be in love,” closing the bathroom door.

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