Monday, August 16, 2021

The Heart Spread Tarot Read

I designed this for those with a significant other in mind whether in union or not and have used it a lot with consistently to good effect. Originally, intended position one and two to describe the individual in themselves insofar as they are different from in the relationship meant to work with positions three and four to show how so they may be different within the relationship but after using this extensively, I discovered that one and two show more the person as they enter the relationship and this has been a helpful adjustment for readings. I also noted that in readings wherein The Other is in some way seriously uninterested in the relationship, positions seven and eight become difficult to read and often a shift has to be made from advice for the relationship (because there is no relationship to advise) to advice for the client instead of just saying, "The relationship is a no go", I try to find something helpful to be gleamed here which is not hard since relationship are dripping with meaning anyway.

The first and second also very well correspond with the 1st an 7th houses in astrology and you see the axis here and even horizon and look for mirroring as well.

For singles then with the number two position, emphasis is more prophetic rather than expressive of incoming energy so I'm looking for astrological sign, physique, personality and behavior and this position for singles is almost always clarified. The #4 position then emphasis becomes what this person will be like in the relationship for identification purposes and while sign energy is noted for sure, it's more about for me looking for personal traits, behavior, that kind of energy. So this is like if you go on a date, look for this or that to know this is The Other. The #6 instead of advice for The Other in relationship becomes advice for the person getting the reading into the potential person's own feeling are about them when they show up, like good intentions, bad, sincere, insincere, loving or selfish, that kind of thing. I told myself that I wouldn't need the bottom of the deck yet it has become important for overall energies.

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