Saturday, October 29, 2022

US Pluto Return Update, November 19th 2022 - Retrograde Mars Squares Retrograde Neptune

In the US Mundane chart, Pisces rules the 4th House also ruled by the Moon so this is about the common people, we citizens – who are always the very last thought, it seems, with Neptune Ruling Pisces here, the fourth house is weak and in a personal chart often indicates someone who had parents absent if not physically then emotionally. This is where Neptune has been transiting since 2011 and now is in retrograde squaring for the 2nd time recently Mars in retrograde in the US mundane 7th House on the nineteenth only eleven days after the upcoming mid terms elections in the US. Mars representing all things martial by the 19th is well into its retrograde energy marching back through the house of foreign affairs and open enemies in the midst of what can be said to be perhaps the most tense time internationally since the Cuban Nuclear Crisis with then Soviet Russia some 70 years ago now. To note, in the mundane chart of the US, Neptune in 10th House of the government forms a close square to the 7th House Mars. I believe this energy directly represents the government always, recently and here on the 19th most particularly, massively deceiving the citizens of the United States of America. This, in fact, is such a part of the American psyche that many people even today would say, “Well, of course the government and the military cannot tell us what is actually going on and that is only for our own good”.

Not to forget Saturn by transit now direct in the US 3rd House of Aquarius and most relevantly here of communications for it is the mouthpiece of the government aka propaganda from my point of view not being a Patriot. Conspiracy theorists are merely those of us who dare question the veracity of historical liars which the US government most certainly is. Saturn is approaching a quincunx to the US mundane Mercury that is the planet of again most relevantly here communication, although transportation and commerce Mercury’s other meanings could be relevant at this time as well. To me this energy here will represent the people finding the propaganda at this point has a hollow ring to it – the government lies will be found to be particularly suspect at this time due to this quincunx between Saturn in Aquarius (Aquarius can be said to be the sign of The People) and Mercury in Cancer that always is seen trying to ease the minds of the people with its words.
The lunar eclipse in Scorpio will happen virtually on top of the US mid term elections that I believe will be fraught with difficulties and very most likely will not be resolved with a day or so as is usual. This eclipse happens in the US 12th House of self sabotage and hidden enemies – here go ahead and read internal enemies, those within the US government itself. This eclipse is also square to that transit Saturn in Aquarius and this will be the pressure that begins to chip away at the propaganda that the US government has been engaged in over this last year to epic proportions such that I have never witnessed in my life. Some staged event by the US government happening anytime between now as this is published and this mid term election is not only possible but I would say likely. This event itself may be what gets called into question by the normally complacent US public, I believe.
Now to consider Pluto on the 19th direct and within a one degree orb of its final exact conjunction to the Mundane Pluto at 27 degrees 33 minutes Capricorn in the US Mundane chart’s 2nd house. So in terms of this very big and profound energy of the US Pluto Return, we are at a critical phase that will surely speak to later events in 2023 destined to be the trigger year for this Pluto Return energy that will see the US transformed in some significant manner as Pluto again returns to within a degree of relevance to its Mundane position. Whatever happens around and after these mid term elections, likely in relation to the Ukraine conflict with Russia but not to rule out the hostilities now with China over Taiwan, I feel it is important to note that this will only be the beginning, perhaps to say a foreshadowing, of events to culminate in 2023 even going into 2024 around this Pluto Return energy for the US. The smoke, as it were, may not clear until sometime in 2025 when we get a real look at what this all will really mean.
Mars and Neptune make a final square just about as Mars clears it’s post shadow about the middle of March 2023 with both of them then direct and this is I will admit a bit of optimism on my part, even wishful thinking, but I think by this time the truth of things will be revealed in some significant manner and the truth of it is that the United States of America has long and still continues to cause most of the war and strife in this world and this time now of the Pluto Return for the US corresponding to a time in history when the US empire is in fall, as all empires do, constitutes one of the most dangerous periods in the history of humanity not due to China or Russia but sadly, sadly to me who once loved this country, because of our own government. While we the citizens are not responsible for this but victims, we will bare the consequences. I see the Pluto Return for the US as a Karmic Time and Karma is coming as it does without remorse, restraint or measure.

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