Wednesday, October 13, 2021

An Army of Butterflies, Prose Poem

 An Army of Butterflies

by David Sky
Let us unleash now an army of butterflies to rain down peace, prosperity and justice upon the face of the planet. Our butterfly army flies the only flag that is not a hideous lie, the flag of love, moving inexorably like light passing through light and under this delirious onslaught of butterflies even an aircraft carrier the size of a small city must acquiesce. Cold heart CEO’s, sociopathic politicians, predatory lawyers and all the monsters of modernity disappear in a colorful swirl of butterflies. This timeless multitude of Butterflies dismantles the murderous drones from the skies along with the air forces of the world. Everywhere around the world this dedicated army of butterflies relentlessly pursues the wicket and systematically deconstructs the cruel, inhuman metal of the monstrous, unholy machine that our humanity has become. After only one long day, the army of butterflies lay down to rest and when they awake in the light of a new day, they are scattered aimlessly across the lands now restored to harmonious beauty as peace descends upon the lands in peace and love and human arms now open wide and grateful hearts open wide to the world. The people of the world awake shaking off the evil spell of The Machine that had seemed so real and purposeful only a day before fully centering themselves in their human body’s no longer lifeless cogs in the wheel of the machine but living spirits of flesh and blood and bone.
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