Saturday, November 19, 2022

Title: "Case # 45921"

A white, morbidly obese male in late fifties originally admitted in catatonic state by a neighbor and family friend has now returned to conscious state for 8 weeks. Making steady progress in treatment presenting sever paranoia and PTSD of unknown origins.
Recommendation for movement to group facility with increase in medication is not approved at this time as patient persists in cover memory for some personal traumatic event yet undiscovered.
Note: Group Home Special Consideration
There is a Cover memory regarding some satanic ritual of the patient participating in insisting that it entailed the abduction and ritualistic sacrifice of a prepubescent child for the purposes of extracting pineal fluid to be used as a kind of recreational drug by a Satanic cell. Patient insists as well as an intention to "steal the child's soul at the moment of its soul's departure from its tiny, child's body". Group Therapy is not recommended until medications are stabilized hopefully in the near future for obvious reasons.
This "Theft of soul" aspect of his dissociation is disturbingly graphic, violent and blasphemous and is repeatedly shared by the patient when in the presence of others and often when alone characterized by severe mania, delusion and paranoia. He does not make habit of lowering his voice and if an increase in medication does not bring this under control, then a group home setting may have to be removed from consideration altogether.
Doctor Baker

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