Thursday, November 3, 2022

USA "Battle of Lexington" Mundane Chart on Solar Eclipse, November 8th 2022

So this chart is from April 19th 1775 when the American subversives first battled the British Empire - interesting for having an Aries ascendant as well as an Aries Sun at 29 degrees and 7 minutes with also Mercury and Chiron in Aries. So this shows a great deal of pressure, pain and clearly a Warrior Spirit extraordinaire. The feeling of this is clearly of existential threat that these people have their backs to the wall and are prepared to fight for their lives - these are not people who are going to surrender but people who are committed to fighting until death or victory one.

By the time the declaration of independence is signed a little over a year later on July 4th 1776, the progressed Sun is in Taurus, of course, showing that this energy has gelled moving from a wild band of warriors to a fixed nation state that is digging in its heels and making it clear now that it is not going to submit or take one step back.
I thought this chart relevant as per the Pluto Return because I feel that is it just this very spirit itself that is being recalled now - a sense of existential threat such as has not be felt by Americans in my lifetime save perhaps during the Cuban missile crisis with the then Soviet Union now 60 years ago. I feel as if at some point likely soon that during this Pluto Return there will again be war on American soil likely a civil war. My feeling is that it will not be democrats and republicans battling it out in their neighborhoods but states pushing back against the edicts of the federal government with the US military national guards having to choose sides between their commander and chief in Washington and their respective governor and state.
Pluto here is a mere 21 minutes from its third conjunct now direct with this Mundane Pluto at 26 degrees 41 minutes of Capricorn. It will be exact on the 27th of November. This points again to a contentious mid term that is not resolved until late in November, I feel. The eclipse itself in this chart happens in the 2nd and 8th Houses and this to me among other things speaks about existential threats. The 8th House to me is like if the chart were a cell where energy exchange happens, where the cell transpires, with the 2nd being the most solid core. In the July 4th 1776 Chart, Scorpio is the 12th house so we have an emphasis upon the 8th and the 12th between the two of these with Uranus and NN in the 2nd here and the 6th in the July 4th 1776 Chart so look for what is solid (Earth Houses and Earth Signs in this Lexington Chart) to be shaken up by Uranus in some random manner that likely will defy prediction.
The bottom line is that the Status Quo (think also the long standing Uranus Saturn Square here) is being violently or suddenly and profoundly changed by this energy. This is the end of the Saturn Uranus square as Saturn is getting up now moving on in this chart to hit the South Node by February and in the 1776 chart, as I said before, to hit the Moon, or the people. Change is literally in the air.
I feel this all here speaks as well to what I have suggested with this Mars Retrograde some conflict within the US military itself more pointedly perhaps a conflict between the military and the civilian leadership of the government. Perhaps the energy of these rebels so clear in this chart will be transferred during this Pluto Return some 250 years later from the British Overlords to the ruling elite constituting the Status Quo of the United States? I hope so, to be honest. I think of what the war hero from WWII and General-President Eisenhower said in 1959 just before leaving office after two terms, "Beware the Military Industrial Complex".

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