Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Pluto Return for USA

Going deeper in the chart of the USA for the next few years of this ongoing Pluto Return and talk about a can of worms with the US Pluto at 27 degrees 33 minutes Capricorn in the third house dead opposite my own natal moon in Cancer at 27 degrees 44 minutes, surely seems fated to me. There is plenty to look at and I feel like a good couple years of say weekly hour long videos really trying to drill down into this astrological phenomenon that will surely see by 2024 into 2025 the USA transformed in some significant manner.
Capricorn solidly represents the government and the 2nd house traditionally in mundane astrology refers most directly to the wealth of a nation, economy, banking and the stock market but to me the ruler of the 2nd is not Venus but the earth itself and so I see all that but also the with the 2nd house for the US, the very structure of America, even, could be said, the land from sea to shining sea is involved. That makes this Pluto Return about as fundamental as it can get and the energy of it is 100% about death and rebirth – transformation.
Famously now almost is quoted that Rome fell during its Pluto Return and I imagine many of can see the analogies of the present state of the US to that of the Roman Empire weakened by over extension of its power trying to control the world as well as by decadence of the jaded population. Also, like the Roman Empire, decades on end of US hegemonic aggression really against the entire world using the petrol-dollar with the federal reserve in collusion with the World Bank and the very plutonic, scorpionic machinations of the CIA along with the fist of the great military machine ever assembled on planet earth has garnered the USA a world of outright enemies and hidden enemies. As we go into this Pluto Return, the US like empires before it in their later years having lost their economic dominance attempts to control by the sheer force of military might.
I feel that I have a sense of where this is going and already we see the blowback from America now using its classic bullying with the one two punch of economic and military aggression against instead of a third world country, a first world country in Russia with the 2nd largest military in the world and a large enough economy to weather the economic assault now arrayed against it by the US and much of the west. The bullying of America now extends not only overseas but internally with the attempt to create an eco-chamber of consensus such that the US now is inclined to believe its own lies which is a prescription for disaster for an individual or a nation. The blowback already is being felt in numerous ways all foreboding, seems to me, and we see it in the chart by transits that I will be discussing, first with the US economy being hit much harder by these recent sanctions then the intended target in Russia.
This blowback in a classic 2nd house manner already shows every indication of seriously accelerating the demise of the economically essential US world currency and we may see by as soon as the smoke clears from this Pluto Return in 2025 into 2026, this crucial organ of control being subverted by a competing world currency and then the US is left with only the might of its military machine offering nothing of value to the world other than bad Hollywood movies, think tanks specializing in raw bullshit, weapons, war & strife such that the US is lined up perfectly to face its demise.

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