Friday, June 10, 2022

Transit Pluto Opposite Natal Moon Personal Astrology

The set up in natal is Cancer Moon at 27 degrees in 11th house that is close sextile the North Node of the Moon at 29 degrees Virgo and trine the South Node in Pisces. It is still hard to convince myself that thinking and analysis is necessary when I can just intuit it and wing it. The Cancer Moon also makes a close trine to my IC at 3 degrees Sagittarius where Mercury, my chart ruler, sits at 5 degrees Sagittarius. Here the influence of the Moon pours down its energy into my fourth house its home where also sits in Sagittarius Mars in a progression at 10 degrees, Jupiter at 15 degrees and the Sun at 25 degrees. The only other major aspect of this Moon is a 2 degree quincunx to the Sun. Pluto in Virgo sits in the 12th minutes off the AC at 6 degrees Virgo a one degree square to the chart ruler Mercury in Sagittarius on that IC. So Pluto has always been in a way whispering its dark ministrations straight into the ear of my Cancer Moon via that trine from my Moon to Mercury and this likely stared in the womb.

The darkness that is upon now is like being under water with my only breath coming from a thin straw and so I must stay calm in my breathing and be patient and trust that this situation will not continue forever. This has driven me inward like never before and my entire life has been a life of fruitful introspection, I would say. Now only three weeks away from Pluto making a second conjunct to that lunar opposition on July Fourth, I feel this stronger and stronger and with Pluto it becomes absolute submission, I feel, more so than even to Saturn that I could and did resist albeit much to my detriment, Pluto places the hand of God upon the back of my head and forces me to me knees in unconditional submission. But I surround myself in blazing white light such that the feeling is of being under the water breathing through my thin straw telling myself not to panic surrounded by darkness in the light of God.

I am back in the womb, can you see it?

July 4th was my grandmother´s birthday and she is my guardian angel now so I am protected and always have been by not only grandma angel but an army of angels.

Gracias a Dios

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